September 16th Night Photograph of Juvenile Bigfoot in Pennsylvania

by flipper 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    BUMBLE BEE- Here is the situation. A lot of people ask the same question you asked. In many large animals of the forest, example : Bear, mountain lion, etc. you rarely find remains of these animals anyway from what I've learned listening to science talk shows on this, because they either bury the remains, or other animals in the forest come and eat all the remains and the bones get scattered, and or buried. I have backpacked in the Sierra mountains now for 32 years, and only once did I find a partial jawbone of a horse or something at Lassen Volcanic National Park. For some reason , bones just are not commonly found. Your guess is as good as mine ! I heard a report of a person coming across huge bones discovered in a forest in Minnesota near the great lakes and the proportions were as per a Bigfoots measurements . This was several years ago and the remains were taken to a university laboratory for study. But back at that time, the details of the study were not made public. So, that is all I know about the remains thing. There have been plenty of sightings of Bigfoot, now DNA evidence, vocalizations heard out in the wilderness from it, footprints, now I guess all scientists need is a Bigfoot body . peace out, thanks again for the pictures, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    NATHAN NATAS- Penn State Alumni ! That's funny !

    HONESTY- Wow! Black panthers in your area ? Those are rare ! That is really something ! It shows you never know what could be lurking up in the back woods . Bigfoot have been reported to harass livestock before too ! I heard of reports of a cattle rancher in the southern Sierra mountains reporting missing cattle , just gone. didn't know where they went. Then huge 18 inch long by 7 inch wide footprints were seen all around where the cattle used to be. Weird. Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • dawg

    That's not a bigfoot, that's my ex....

    I saw a Black Penther once, in the Appliation mtns here in Georgia, my friend said he didn't believe me.. it was Vogel State park and I was about 10 miles on a backpack trail with my honey at the time... when Philip and I came down the mountain, we asked a ranger if they existed there, he said several people have seen it.

    As for the photos, I've heard that zoologists have said those photos are a black bear with mange... I can see how those photos can be a bear.. but the DNA evidence and hair evidence in the history channell show, that's hard to refute... lets hope we can find concrete evidence someday

  • Junction-Guy

    I too believe I saw a black panther, just outside Gatlinburg Tennessee, this was back in 1998 or 1999. I didnt see if fully, but I did see the back half of it, and the tail looked like a panthers tail, and not a dog.

    I also saw a cougar back in 1998 coming home from Cherokee North Carolina.

    I have never seen a bigfoot though.

  • Honesty

    As for the photos, I've heard that zoologists have said those photos are a black bear with mange


    Do you see any fur missing or any scabs on the creature?

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    A related story I found this morning,,,

    Everest footprints stir up Yeti legend

    TV producers hope to tie tracks to tales of ‘abominable snowman’ By Gopal Sharma Reuters updated 1:11 p.m. ET, Fri., Nov. 30, 2007

    KATMANDU, Nepal - Members of a TV production team investigating the existence of the legendary Yeti in Nepal said Friday that they have found footprints intriguing enough to merit further investigation.

    The team of nine producers from "Destination Truth," armed with infrared cameras, spent a week in the icy Khumbu region where Mount Everest is located and found the footprints on the bank of the Manju River at an elevation of 9,350 feet (2,850 meters).

    One of the three footprints found on Wednesday is about 1 foot (30 centimeters) long, with an appearance similar to those shown in sketches of the purported apelike creature, the team said.

    "It is very, very similar," Josh Gates, an archaeologist who serves as the host of the weekly travel adventure series, told Reuters in Katmandu after returning from the mountain. "I don't believe it to be a bear. It is something of a mystery for us."

    "Destination Truth" appears on the Sci Fi Channel in the United States. (The network is owned by NBC Universal, which is a partner with Microsoft in the joint venture.)

    Tales by sherpa porters and guides about the wild and hairy creatures lurking in the Himalayas have seized the imagination of mountain climbers going to Mount Everest since the 1920s. Several teams have searched for it and some have even claimed to have discovered footprints. But no reputable investigator has actually seen the creature, nor has it been scientifically established that the Yeti exists.

    Gates said the footprints on lumps of sandy soil, which would be sent to experts in the United States for analysis, were "relatively fresh, left some 24 hours before we found them."

    "This print is so pristine, so good, that I am very intrigued by this," said Gates, flanked by his team members.

    Even if the traces are found to be authentic footprints, it's not yet clear how they could be attributed to a Yeti rather than, say, a less exotic mountain creature. Nevertheless, the evidence may be enough to fuel a TV show. "Destination Truth" chronicles some of the world's notorious purported cryptozoological creatures and unexplained phenomena.

    Some local sherpas believe that the Himalayas are abodes of strange creatures and consider the Yeti (also popularly known as the "abominable snowman") as a protector. Others say it is a destroyer.

    "There is a kind of mysterious creature that lives in the Himalayas," said Ang Tshering Sherpa, chief of Nepal Mountaineering Association in Katmandu, who hails from the Khumbhu region.

    This report was supplemented by

    Image: Gates and apparent footprint

  • lovelylil

    I love the show destination truth!

    As far as the photos, it makes sense that it is a type of bear because it seems to be traveling in a bear pack, but its limbs seem longer and thinner than the average black bear. Could still be in the same family as bears perhaps, I don't know. I wish the photos caught the creature standing upright rather than stooped over.

    I find it interesting about the DNA and am waiting to see how that turns out. Lilly

  • changeling

    There is a certain prominent poster on here who is from Pennsylvania. Could those be photos of him????


  • flipper

    DAWG- LMAOL ! A picture of your ex, eh? Guess your ex was a little hairier than mine ! At least mine shaved in the right, Oh, forget it ! Another black panther sighting! Cool! That must have been a sight to see. Zoologists may be saying the photographs were a mangy black bear, but the proportions of arms to legs don't match those of a bear, really. The Bigffot researchers organization came out and definitely said it was a young Bigfoot. So we shall see what the next year reveals ! Who knows?

    JUNCTION GUY- A black panther ? Wow! Another one. I saw a cougar also one time in my life in 1987. I was cutting firewood in the back woods.

    HONESTY- I agree. I see no scabs in those pictures either. I too think it was a young Bigfoot.

    BUMBLE BEE- Thanks for the news article ! A Himalayan Yeti. Cool footprint picture !

    LOVELYLIL- Some might think it looks like a bear. But if you look at the earlier photos of two young bear near the same tree, their dimensions are totally different from this creature looks

  • hillary_step

    Where has Trevor been lately?


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