HILARY STEP- Maybe he is hanging out in the forests of Northwest Pennsylvania ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
September 16th Night Photograph of Juvenile Bigfoot in Pennsylvania
by flipper 32 Replies latest jw friends
I think the scientific extablishment would rather sweep this under the rug. If there is actual DNA evidence and it can be proved that this animal has been under our noses the whole time, I think it would make people question-and I think they should-what else is science wrong about? When I mean wrong, I mean so dogmatic to protect as the status quo that to even question is to risk your career and reputation.
I love science and knowledge, but I hate the politicising of it.
Cool pics flipper.
CHANGELING- Yeah, I think it does maybe look like our prolific friend from Pennsylvania ! I think he has gone a few days without shaving though, ya think ?
DARK UNCLE- I agree with you . The scientific community does like to sweep things under the rug if they don't " approve " of it. Reminds me of the witnesses sweeping child abuse under the rug. Outside impression is what counts. Although I read that in the local Pennsylvania news they forced the media to say those pictures were of a " bear with mange" so as not cause a panic to the public. But in actuality it is a primate, probably a young Bigfoot, but the powers there that be in Pennsylvania don't want to admit it