I stand by my statement as supported by the Bible. This is not a discussion about WW2.
Huckabee stakes his claim as God's own candidate
by nvrgnbk 78 Replies latest jw friends
By the way, I have also noticed that people who are pro-life clearly support the war in Iraq. How can one be pro life and support a war, especially if it was for the wrong reason.
If you wish to debate WW2 , please feel to start a thread about that.
So you would have let the Nazis kill every Jew on earth and a whole lot of other "inferiors" and then go on to conquer the world and not lift a finger to stop them?
Right on Traveller!!!
a Christian
You wrote: This is not a discussion about WW2.
It's not?
You wrote: You can't be a Christian and support a war.
"A war" certainly seems to mean any war. So are you saying WW2 was OK but not other wars? Why are you allowed to decide what wars are OK but you deny that right to other Christians?
Would you have stood idly by and let the armies of Iraq kill tens of thousands of kurds with poison gas and then rape and murder thousands of Kuwaitis as they did after invading Kuwait? Would you have stood idly by and watched the Cambodian armies of Pol Pot kill hundreds of thousands of innocents in his killing fields?
Jesus said to love your neighbor. If your next door neighbor's home was being invaded and you saw from your window that your neighbors were being raped, tortured and killed one by one would you refuse to use deadly force to protect them? Jesus made clear that our "neighbor" is anyone who we see needs our help.
Did you know Jesus told his disciples to buy and carry swords to protect themselves? (Luke 22:36-38)
Well I believe in the military, plain and simple, and there is nothing wrong with a christian being in the military, I dont think I ever agreed with the WT Society on that.
The Bible says in several places that homosexual relationships are wrong. Because it does, very few homosexuals care too much for the Bible. Then lacking any divine moral code they usually end up living their lives by their own "If it feels good do it" moral code
You know what, I think the bible is about as divine as The Lord of the Rings. But I have a strict set of morals. Values. Beliefs. And I'm tired of hearing that if I don't believe in the bible, I have no morals. Bullshit.
Would you have stood idly by and let the armies of Iraq kill tens of thousands of Kurds with poison gas and then rape and murder thousands of Kuwaitis as they did after invading Kuwait? Would you have stood idly by and watched the Cambodian armies of Pol Pot kill hundreds of thousands of innocents in his killing fields?
On the gassing of the Kurds Reagan did just that in fact he was asked to rebuke Saddam and cut off all US aid to him. Reagan declined on the grounds of aiding him in his fight with Iran was more important.
On the matter of Kuwait, Saddam was green lighted by the Bush Sr. Administration the reason the US allowed it was for following reasons the Kuwaities were slant drilling into Iraqi oil fields, and the Kuwaities were selling oil to low driving prices down, and Third to scare the Sauds into seeking US protection giving the US a foothold, and bases in the middle east.
a Christian
You sarcasticly wrote: You're so righteous and you're surrounded by filth and depravity.
No, apart from the righteousness imputed to me by God because of what Jesus did for us all, I'm very unrighteous. For "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." And I fall short of the glory of God every minute of every day. (Rom. 3:22,23) However, in order to continue to receive God's forgiveness God requires us to do our best to live righteously. And that I do. When I fail God forgives me. Christians are not perfect. They are just forgiven.
a Christian
I didn't say people who don't believe in the Bible have no morals. I said they lack a "divine moral code." A moral code given to them from a "higher authority" than themselves. Everyone has their own set of morals.