Huckabee stakes his claim as God's own candidate

by nvrgnbk 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    I'm not perfect, just forgiven----I remember that gospel song from a few years back.

  • a Christian
    a Christian

    Junction Guy,

    Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to let any member of the military or police join their religion even though the first Gentile accepted into the Christian congregation was a Roman army officer. Peter baptized Cornelius without ever demanding that he first resign from the military. (Acts 10) The fact that Jehovah's Witnesses treat baptismal candidates differently than Peter did shows that they do not have "The Truth."

  • beksbks

    Ahhhhhh right the "if it feels good do it" standard of morals.

    Whatever christian dude. I can't argue with your fear of hell, or desire for a cloud in heaven.

  • littlerockguy

    a christian:

    What did Jesus do when Peter drew his sword and cut off someone's ear and what did he say to Peter at that time?

  • Junction-Guy

    Hey a Christian, you're preaching to the choir here, I have known they are a false cult for at least 10 years now.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    The Huckabee Horror He'd shred the Constitution 'in a heartbeat'

    Yet the friendly farmer down the road evaporated before our eyes, and something awful and Cheney-like appeared in his place, when Matthews directed his question at Huckabee:

    "Governor Huckabee, same question. Do you need Congress to approve such an action?
    "HUCKABEE: A president has to [do] whatever is necessary to protect the American people. If we think Iran is building nuclear capacity that could be used against us in any way, including selling some of the nuclear capacity to some other terrorist group, then, yes, we have a right...

    "MATTHEWS: Without going to Congress?

    "HUCKABEE: And I would do it in a heartbeat."

    "In a heartbeat" – there goes the Constitution!

  • Junction-Guy

    Sometimes personal safety issues take center stage, especially when nuclear weapons are involved.

  • a Christian
    a Christian


    You asked: What did Jesus do when Peter drew his sword and cut off someone's ear and what did he say to Peter at that time?

    He told Peter to put his sword away. For it was not the time and place to use it. Christ wished to give up his life for us without a fight, willingly, "like a sheep to the slaughter."

    Christ told Peter that "He who lives by the sword will die by the sword." In saying this he clearly was condemning a life devoted to violence. But he was not forbidding the proper use of deadly force. He obviously had permitted his followers to carry swords for their own protection. Christ asked, "How many swords do you have?" They answered "Two." He said, "That's enough." (Luke 22:36-38) Highway robbers were quite common in those days. (Remember the story of the "good Samaritan" who helped a man who was obviously unable to protect himself from such an attack.) The first Gentile convert to Christianity was a Roman army officer. Peter did not tell him he had to leave the Army before he would baptise him. (Acts 10) The writer of Romans even tells us that God has authorized earthly governments in their use of deadly force when they feel it is called for. "For they are God's servants to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for they do not bear the sword for nothing. They are God's servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer." (Rom. 13:4)
  • kerj2leev

    No, apart from the righteousness imputed to me by God because of what Jesus did for us all, I'm very unrighteous. For "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." And I fall short of the glory of God every minute of every day. (Rom. 3:22,23) However, in order to continue to receive God's forgiveness God requires us to do our best to live righteously. And that I do. When I fail God forgives me. Christians are not perfect. They are just forgiven.

    IP: r2V303oGw+x8xHXW

    Wow, what a sad statement! The truth will set you free.....

  • Junction-Guy

    Its amazing that Jesus allowed the disciples to carry swords, but many JW's have had to surrender their guns as police officers.

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