Yeah, my brother loves Ann Coulter, I do too, I just dont get to watch her or listen to her that much since most of my free time is here on JWD.
I love debating with Liberals
by Junction-Guy 150 Replies latest jw friends
BlackSwan of Memphis
Well that explains everything!
JG, you said this earlier:
Yeah, war is hell and it is reality of life here on planet Earth.
It's really easy for you to make a blase comment about something like that as long as you aren't the one who has to wake up every morning and wonder if your kids are going to survive the day.
I have no clue where to even find something like that, apparently you must do alot of research on that subject. I have talked with many of our returning service men and women, and for the most part they were treated well by the Iraqi people, they were told that they were glad they were there, etc etc etc.
There is always 2 sides to the story, problem is this is halfway around the world, and I cant personally experience it myself, I have to take others words for it. I googled Iraqi Blogs.
I suppose if you had a PhD, like the gentleman who wrote the article, then you would have that option. But since you don't... I'm not surprised that you missed the point I originally made...which was, Russia's current situation can hardly be summarized in two sentences.
You however insist on doing so, which explains why I'm not going to waste anymore time on this.
R's Hubby
Nice did you read my Reuters article NO. I also pointed out your source for the article is a bad source for info if this guy is to be taken seriously find another article from a neural source to back it up. BTW global warming has plenty of PhD power behind it but I bet you dismiss it with out any consideration.
You should like this, Junction.
Thanks Nvr, it takes a while to play youtube videos, so when I have more time I will watch it.
5go....I read your whole entire article. It took me almost a minute. I did not feel that it was a proper and thorough enough explanation as to why Russia is in the condition that it is in.
I don't want to insult your intelligence by pointing out that your summary of Russia is based on a poll of 1600 citizens, and the article didn't include exactly what was asked and how they chose the participants. But regardless, the article was hardly an in depth analysis.
You obviously feel that a two sentence synopsis of Russia is an adequate explanation. I disagree. We agree to disagree. We have nothing else to talk about.
R's Hubby
again, how much welfare does your Republican voting welfare county in East Tennessee, East Ky or Southern Ohio take in each month?
Quite a bit, but it also supplies the fuel that keeps you warm and the lights on, and your computer running.
Im having trouble posting, this may not even show up. -
If your talk show is about cowboy hats, you should be fine, Junction.
You could call it Talk to the Sheriff.