In fact Im not even a fiscal conservative
Yeah, neither is G.W Bush, that guy has yet to veto a spending bill, and has us in debt to China up to our asses.
by Junction-Guy 150 Replies latest jw friends
In fact Im not even a fiscal conservative
Yeah, neither is G.W Bush, that guy has yet to veto a spending bill, and has us in debt to China up to our asses.
It was the Clintons who sold us out to China.
Those that hate christianity, those that believe in Atheism, those that are against defending our country, those that want to ban the pledge of allegiance, those that want to remove God from all public places.
4 out of five, not bad, I am a Liberal, according to JG. I guess, I can't vote for Ron Paul, now. Later JG.
Those that hate christianity, those that believe in Atheism, those that are against defending our country, those that want to ban the pledge of allegiance, those that want to remove God from all public places. These are what I call liberals.
Odd definition of a liberal. There are numerous "conservative" atheists. And perhaps some who hate Christianity.
As far as those who are "against defending our country" you can start with the present government, democrat and republican, liberal and conservative. Afghanistan, I can understand. Iraq, a secular, elected government? No. Yeah, Saddam was a dick, but going in there was just idiotic, considering that all the major terrorist acts on US soil by muslims have been Saudi or Egyptian nationals, two governments that are far more oppressive when it comes to other religions, cultures, and genders than Iraq was.
If your definition of a conservative is a god fearing xtian, I fear you are surprisingly misguided.
those that want to ban the pledge of allegiance, those that want to remove God from all public places
I definitely fit the first one, until they rewrite it from a pledge to a country to a pledge to humanity and maybe the planet we are all on as well. No matter how much some might wish it were different, the US is NOT a power or entity unto itself. We're all in this together and until that is realized...things will continue to get worse.
The second one is easier...only conservatives would think so little of God to believe taking man made objects or words out of public places is the same thing as removing God. If God is what conservatives say He is when using the other side of their mouth, then that would be impossible.
Maybe that's part of the problem.
Correct! Bush has been the equivalent of an economic Antichrist. He has spent way more than any democratic administration in history, yet he hypocritically blames tax and spend Democrats. If only a fraction of the money that was lost in Iraq were spent on the levees in New Orleans, they would be ready for a Cat 5 hurricane. He has pi$$ed away more money than can even be calculated.
And don't get me wrong, I have MANY so-called "conservative" views, ones however not shared by this administration. I AM for less government, I DO want my second amendment rights protected, I do believe states should have more latitde in making their own way.
However, "GOD is not a liberal OR conservative thing. It's a religious baliwick. And stupid to argue about (even though i agree with RETURNING the pledge to it's ORIGINAL wording that did'nt mention god, god was added during the Mccarthy era, as a communist baiting thing.) I think the country has far more important things to deal with, like how are we gonna deal with the REAL terrorists, REAL genocides, like Sudan, rather than places like Iraq.
Lincoln, the first republican was likely an athiest or an agnostic.
You can click on the "Newt newsletter" ad at the bottom of the page, and get something that resembles a clue.
It was the Clintons who sold us out to China.
So that makes it OK for Bush to continue this on a scale monumentally, exponentially larger than the clintons?