The Bush family is friends with the Saudi Arabian Oil Tycoons in general, the woman who was sentenced recently for being raped? That happened there, they are far more barbaric than Saddam ever was, yet they remain friends and allies of the Bush family. Kinda hyprocritical don't you think?
I love debating with Liberals
by Junction-Guy 150 Replies latest jw friends
May I ask then, what is your opinion of the fact that the Bush and Bin Laden families have business connections?
Lets all remember that when 9/11 happened - Bush LET the Saudi's all fly out of the country - and lets not forget that this was THE ONLY plane allowed to fly out. why doesn't anyone ever do an investigation into why???? One of the men on that plane was also fingered by the Al Queda prisoner directly.......hmmmmmmm.....anyway - here's a little bit of an enlightening article on the connection between them.
U.S. intelligence established a so-called "fake flag" operation, in which the wounded Zubaydah was transferred to Afghanistan under the ruse that he had actually been turned over to the Saudis. The Saudis had him on a wanted list, and the Americans believed that Zubaydah, fearful of torture and death at the hands of the Saudis, would start talking when confronted by U.S. agents playing the role of Saudi intelligence officers.
Instead, when confronted by his "Saudi" interrogators, Zubaydah showed no fear. Instead, according to the two U.S. intelligence sources that provided me the details, he seemed relieved. The man who had been reluctant to even confirm his identity to his U.S. captors, suddenly talked animatedly. He was happy to see them, he said, because he feared the Americans would kill him. He then asked his interrogators to call a senior member of the Saudi royal family. And Zubaydah provided a private home number and a cell phone number from memory. "He will tell you what to do," Zubaydah assured them
That man was Prince Ahmed bin Salman bin Abdul-Aziz, one of King Fahd's nephews, and the chairman of the largest Saudi publishing empire. Later, American investigators would determine that Prince Ahmed had been in the U.S. on 9/11.
American interrogators used painkillers to induce Zubaydah to talk -- they gave him the meds when he cooperated, and withdrew them when he was quiet. They also utilized a thiopental sodium drip (a so-called truth serum). Several hours after he first fingered Prince Ahmed, his captors challenged the information, and said that since he had disparaged the Saudi royal family, he would be executed. It was at that point that some of the secrets of 9/11 came pouring out. In a short monologue, that one investigator told me was the "Rosetta Stone" of 9/11, Zubaydah laid out details of how he and the al Qaeda hierarchy had been supported at high levels inside the Saudi and Pakistan governments.
He named two other Saudi princes, and also the chief of Pakistan's air force, as his major contacts. Moreover, he stunned his interrogators, by charging that two of the men, the King's nephew, and the Pakistani Air Force chief, knew a major terror operation was planned for America on 9/11.
It would be nice to further investigate the men named by Zubaydah, but that is not possible. All four identified by Zubaydah are now dead. As for the three Saudi princes, the King's 43-year-old nephew, Prince Ahmed, died of either a heart attack or blood clot, depending on which report you believe, after having liposuction in Riyadh's top hospital; the second, 41-year-old Prince Sultan bin Faisal bin Turki al-Saud, died the following day in a one car accident, on his way to the funeral of Prince Ahmed; and one week later, the third Saudi prince named by Zubaydah, 25-year-old Prince Fahd bin Turki bin Saud al-Kabir, died, according to the Saudi Royal Court, "of thirst." The head of Pakistan's Air Force, Mushaf Ali Mir, was the last to go. He died, together with his wife and fifteen of his top aides, when his plane blew up -- suspected as sabotage -- in February 2003. Pakistan's investigation of the explosion -- if one was even done -- has never been made public.
Zubaydah is the only top al Queda operative who has secretly linked two of America's closest allies in the war on terror -- Saudi Arabia and Pakistan -- to the 9/11 attacks. Why does Bush, and the CIA, continue to protect the Saudi Royal family and the Pakistani military, from the implications of Zubaydah's confessions? It is, or course, because the Bush administration desperately needs Pakistani and Saudi help, not only to keep Afghanistan from spinning completely out of control, but also as counterweights to the growing power of Iran. The Sunni governments in Riyadh and Islamabad have as much to fear from a resurgent Iran as does the Bush administration. But does this mean that leads about the origins of 9/11 should not be aggressively pursued? Of course not. But this is precisely what the Bush administration is doing. And now the cover-up is enhanced by the CIA's destruction of Zubaydah's interrogation tapes.
The American public deserves no less than the complete truth about 9/11. And those CIA officials now complicit in hiding the truth by destroying key evidence should be held responsible.
It may be hypocritical, but many business men and oil tycoons are friends with the Saudi's and even other countries.
The Saudi's have allowed us airspace and land and we needed that in the middle east.
The Saudi's are fundamentalist muslim and the only way they will ever quit their ways is if they change religion or drop it all together, and that probably wont happen until well into the future. -
I think that it is maybe a little more complicted than that.
R's hubby
From the people who brought us Iraq. I would quote from some one better than them if I were you.
Most Russians said to favour Soviet-style economy
(See Link)
So it's OK with you to bomb one country back to the stone age whilst remaining friends with another that is far worse? Just because they grant the US airspace?
Right or wrong on that,Im not sure there is even an answer.
Saddam Hussein murdered million of his people, so he wasnt much better than the Saudi's.
Like it or not, our whole economy and our livelihoods depend on Oil. Without Oil, we would collapse. That is why Bush and many american business men are friends with the Saudi's.
If there wasnt any Oil in the middle east, I doubt Bush or anyone else would be friends with the Saudi's -
JG, I'd like you to take a good look at this site,
It's a blog spot by a woman who goes by the name of "Riverbend", an Iraqi Muslim woman who is living through Bush's so called "War On Terror" as I type this to you. Read her own perspective on life in Iraq before and after the occupation.
Here's a peak...
This is what Bush calls "Liberating Iraq".
I read it.
Any comments?