Or you another ugly hat, so you can look as much the part of the bufoon you are.
I love debating with Liberals
by Junction-Guy 150 Replies latest jw friends
I have to admit, you all have been a big source of cheer for me tonight, I have laughed so hard I have almost got a hernia.
Hmm, mudslinging....Yep, hippie me!!
I do own birks (great for a bad back), no dope. I also own guns, cowboy boots, know how to rope and ride, and kick shit with the best of them wear leather, and eat meat like it's going outta stlye. None of which amounts to diddly shit.
What I find so alarming about the "conservative's" of late is their blind faith in government, in the growing fundamentalist takeover, etc. Conservatives are the ones who are supposed to be MORE suspicious of government, want LESS government. Whether it's the liberal, conservative, democrat or republican. Now they've done an about face. You want a great JW analogy? Just look at the neo-con's who follow what's shouted from the pulpit, swallow ALL the crap thrown at them. Yep, there's liberals like that too, but they're SUPPOSED to be like that, SUPPOSED to think government can cure all ills. Not conservatives.
Or you another ugly hat, so you can look as much the part of the bufoon you are.
Hey, watch it on the hat remark, I have one real similar. Of course, the difference is, I make it look GOOD!
I like you a lot junction guy, your a fellow detention officer. So I will not join in this debate good buddy.
I would get into a discussion of Keynesian vs. Austrian school of macroeconomics, but it would fly right over J-G's haid!
I have to admit, you all have been a big source of cheer for me tonight, I have laughed so hard I have almost got a hernia
What's funny?
Ya wanna be a host? Show that you can answer with your MIND not rhetoric and insults. Anne Coulter has that area covered. And I'm serious, not trying to be insulting, just challenging.
Therefore, it is not an ugly hat on you. I digress.
I too believe in less government--less zoning laws, No seatblt laws, less nanny laws, I do believe in a strong military though and that is why for the most part I support Bush. Now if he could just get that dang gas price down, he would almost be as close as Reagan in my book.
Jaguarbass, I honestly didnt think you felt that way, I apologize if I have ever offended you.