Aside from leaving the Watchtower, marriage(s) date(s), birth of children, what are the top three events that were the most influential in your life?
The Most Influential Events in Your Lifetime
by XJW4EVR 27 Replies latest jw friends
The day I stood up to that dog on my paper route when I was 12
The day I became published.
1. My brother getting killed.
2. Figuring out that you can't help people like you want to. They will kill you.
3. Learning the value of progress.
- President Kennedy's assasination.
Up until that point, I didn't know death existed, or such a thing as a president. I was five years old.
- The Beatles: they hit and filled my world with magic. Life would not have been the same without the Beatles.
- My brother's death when I was 17 and he was 22. This shattered my life and family and we have not been the same since.
- Realizing the WTBTS was full of hot air.
I was set free. You all know what that means.
aside from family stuff and leaving the WBTS, I guess it would be going to massage school, standing on the great wall of China, and breaking my spine. (Not all at the same time, mind you.) Well, I have to add my husband trying to kill me and all the subsequent drama, but that makes four things.
Christmas Eve 1997--the day I discovered that "The Truth" was all a big fat lie.
1. The day I decided to take control of my financial life, to make something happen instead of waiting for it to happen. (about 5 years ago)
That would eventually come to play a large role in my leaving the Watchtower and affect my view of faith and divine intervention.
2. 9/11/01
That too accelerated my "waking up", albeit in a very subtle way.
3. Surviving a fire. (about 4 years ago)
That most definitely was a catalyst to reexamining everything. It was a few months after that that I began to research "things" on the internet.
1. The day I decided to take control of my financial life, to make something happen instead of waiting for it to happen. (about 5 years ago)
That would eventually come to play a large role in my leaving the Watchtower and affect my view of faith and divine intervention.
Ya know what they say about those rich men, don't ya?
1. the day my father died 2. the day i decided to start interpreting seriously 3. the day i moved back to NM...
Also---Jan 2,1995, the day I moved from Kentucky to Florida.