I remember Jimi Hendrix's song "Foxy Lady" being singled out at an ASS~embly back in the 60s
here I come baby, I'm coming to gitcha
edited to add:
I remember back in Ontario in the early 70s we used to have get togethers once in awhile and some of the folks who played music would put on a little show. Once I played an intrumental version of "Little Wing" . . a beautiful piece BTW, check it out if you don't know it . . . After my part an elder and his wife came up to me and said how beautiful that song was and that it made them visualize angels flying (I couldn't make this up!!) the conversation went on something ike this:
elder "Did you write that?"
me "No"
elderette "Who wrote it, it's beautiful!"
me, trying to dodge the question, "Some black kid from Seattle"
elderette "Was he a Witness, that sounds like a Witness wrote it"
me, trying to keep a straight face . . . "um, I don't think so, but it sounds like he was a very spiritual man . ."
. . . .by now we have a few more that have gathered . .
someone else "Who wrote it?"
me, still trying to dodge . . "A guy named James Marshall Hendrix, it's called Little Wing"
elderette, eyes getting wide "Jimi Hendrix?? Jimi Hendrix?? That rock star who overdosed??"
me "Yes, the same, how sad, he had such talent"
elderette, hand goes up to mouth "Gasp!" then her elder husband reacts in a similar fashion, grabs her by the elbow and steers her away from this thing that just sprouted horns, a tail and a ptchfork.
Some of the others that had gathered thought it was freakin hilarious, some did'nt care and some were upset. It was the cause of some hub bub, that guy who played a hendrix song at a christian gathering . . .
Well, the fecal matter contacted the air moving device and the songs anyone performed at any gatherings after that had to be screened and approved by the elders.
so hypocritical