Your Cong = Which Songs or Band were "Demonic?" Did you toss albums?

by Witness 007 81 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Locutus of Borg
    Locutus of Borg

    I remember Jimi Hendrix's song "Foxy Lady" being singled out at an ASS~embly back in the 60s

    here I come baby, I'm coming to gitcha

    edited to add:

    I remember back in Ontario in the early 70s we used to have get togethers once in awhile and some of the folks who played music would put on a little show. Once I played an intrumental version of "Little Wing" . . a beautiful piece BTW, check it out if you don't know it . . . After my part an elder and his wife came up to me and said how beautiful that song was and that it made them visualize angels flying (I couldn't make this up!!) the conversation went on something ike this:

    elder "Did you write that?"

    me "No"

    elderette "Who wrote it, it's beautiful!"

    me, trying to dodge the question, "Some black kid from Seattle"

    elderette "Was he a Witness, that sounds like a Witness wrote it"

    me, trying to keep a straight face . . . "um, I don't think so, but it sounds like he was a very spiritual man . ."

    . . . .by now we have a few more that have gathered . .

    someone else "Who wrote it?"

    me, still trying to dodge . . "A guy named James Marshall Hendrix, it's called Little Wing"

    elderette, eyes getting wide "Jimi Hendrix?? Jimi Hendrix?? That rock star who overdosed??"

    me "Yes, the same, how sad, he had such talent"

    elderette, hand goes up to mouth "Gasp!" then her elder husband reacts in a similar fashion, grabs her by the elbow and steers her away from this thing that just sprouted horns, a tail and a ptchfork.

    Some of the others that had gathered thought it was freakin hilarious, some did'nt care and some were upset. It was the cause of some hub bub, that guy who played a hendrix song at a christian gathering . . .

    Well, the fecal matter contacted the air moving device and the songs anyone performed at any gatherings after that had to be screened and approved by the elders.

    so hypocritical

  • Mary

    Anything by KISS, Hotel California, Stairway to Heaven, ACDC, Iron Maiden and let's not forget the most vile of all singers to ever walk the earth: John Denver.......

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    My Mom tried to throw away the Weezer Blue album because the Sweater song talked about being naked. Hahahaha, good thing my Dad told her to leave us alone.

  • babygirl75

    Alice Cooper

    I remember my dad making my sisters break all of their KISS albums.

  • MissingLink

    I rememeber another one: Anthrax

    Oh - and my Dad has the Natalie Imbruglia "Left of the Middle" album, but quickly skips the track "Torn" because of the aweful word "naked" in it. BTW: I'm pretty sure I'm like jesus (immaculate conception) since my parents have never been naked.

  • faundy

    I had two Eminem albums that an elder guilt tripped me over so I got rid of them.

    Then I bought another copy of my favourite of the two albums and hid it. But I was racked with guilt so got rid of it again.

    Then last year when I left I bought the same album along with about seven other Eminem ones. And a couple of fifty cent. Eek.

  • Tatiana

    I also remember my mother getting rid of all of Leslie Uggam's records, (anyone remember HER??) and she refused to watch her on TV anymore. I think she was disfellowshipped or something. And after the whole THILLER fiasco, anytime we were riding in the car and a song came on by Michael, she would change the station so fast, and we had to listen to a lecture about how evil and demonic he was. ( comments) hehe This was way before all the accusations.

  • undercover

    Control, control, control.

    We all remember particular albums and artists that were "banned" but in reality it wasn't that limited. It was much more broad. It is anything popular at the time. It doesn't matter what style, beat,'s the fact that enjoying it and listening to it could cause us to enjoy other "worldy" entertainment or more.

    Music is very powerful and despite publishing poorly written/composed Kingdom Melodies, the Society knows that music can sway people's moods, thoughts and ideas.

    So from Elvis to "The Twist" to The Beatles and Stones, to Acid Rock to Motown to Disco to Heavy Metal to Rap to Hip Hop to Country, the Society will always demonize and condemn what ever is current and popular.

    And we'll all remember the bands and albums/songs that we liked and had to purge at one time or another. I cleaned my collection out one time. One of the dumbest things I've ever done. I have managed to replace everything that I threw away at the time...but I was lucky, I was young and buying music on a limited allowance income and my collection was limited. I didn't really start collecting until I was out on my own.

    With the new world of on-line music purchasing, the youths of today will be able to buy and download their favorite music and hide it on server or external hard drives or flash drives and parents and elders will never know what their kids are listening to. Ah to be young again...

  • mentalclearness

    Led Zeppelin because they were all on drugs while doing the songs. (how many musicians aren't) and I had to take a Grateful Dead sticker off my car to show repentance....It was the ones with the holograms? like a skull.....So ridiculous!

  • nvrgnbk
    My Mom tried to throw away the Weezer Blue album because the Sweater song talked about being naked. Hahahaha, good thing my Dad told her to leave us alone.


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