I tend to respect others' opinions even if I do not agree with them. I also realize that what happens in one congregation or group of contiguous congregations might not happen in another congregation, and what happens to one person might be nearly impossible to have happen to another. This is because there is perception of each other's value and local interpretations of the rules by hounders and hounder-hounders that may differ from each other.
An example is that a single man with no prospects might have a higher potential value in the congregation than someone with a family or with many prospects. Why? There are "privileges" that are only open to single men. And, if they have no family in the Tower, disfellowshipping them will accomplish next to nothing. Those with family in the Tower stand to lose more if they get disfellowshipped. Those with no family and no prospects are more likely to get harassed, cajoled, or even physically recaptured than those that they feel are not worth that effort. Reason: Cost/benefit. A single man with no prospects is easier to recapture and the perceived benefit is higher (remember all those "privileges" for which you have to be single and a brother to qualify for). Though the cost may be high, if the perceived benefit is even higher, it will be worth it for the congregation or individuals therein to recapture such a person.
However, if a person already has family in or is married to an unbeliever, that person no longer qualifies for that "privilege". It will not be worth the trouble for that much less supposed benefit. So, they are more likely to get disfellowshipped at the drop of a hat instead. It is not worth it for those members to be "saved". So they get booted out. And that's how one person can have sharply different experiences within the same congregation.
That is why I do not jump to conclusions that a poster is lying or stretching the truth when they post something radically different from standard experiences. Those posters may have had those experiences. Cost/benefit explains why one person can have experiences that are radically different from the standard. Interpretations of the rules by the hounder-hounders is another: In those cases, everyone in a circuit will have similar experiences while those in other circuits will not. It will seem like it is universal because several contiguous congregations may be having the same experiences. And, as different hounder-hounders are assigned circuits to hound, they often change the rules all at once.
True, not everything posted here is necessarily the truth. However, more of it can be the truth for that poster than we are willing to admit. And, when predictions are made, it is likely that they will be off. Someone can predict that the Watchtower Society will take one course, and they take a different course or take a longer route. I will not mention names here for those that make totally and blatantly spurious prophesies (they will get their share of embarrassment when the dates come and go and nothing happens). That aside, it pays to read the posts even if we do not agree and we never had or heard of those experiences. Then, we should integrate them. Go to those other apostate Web sites, too. That is how you form your own opinions based on the big picture. Still not perfect, but it helps if we wish to improve.