Respect or drama, drama or respect, I don't know which I like more ? O.K. I'll choose respect . I have never been much of a drama"queen" mainly because I'm a guy , lol! But, that being said I am the kind of person who picks and chooses my battles and coments very carefully. I will voice my opinion and tell you what I think , but I will do so in a way which still leaves you with your dignity intact. I really believe that is the important thing for everyone to consider. what was the old expression we heard when young? " Don't criticize until you have walked a mile in your brother or (sisters moccasin's ) " !
Hey, we all have our achilles heal in our personalities . What thing I need to work on may be different from some other poster, in another place. And you can probably find hundreds of more varying circumastances that we are all going through which some of us can relate to, but some of us can't. I think a key is just respecting we are all different. There will be diferences, but it is how we handle those differences that shows if we have class ! Remember the Jehovah's Witnesses wanted us to all be clones of one another . We left that kind of thinking years ago . I for one don't want to go back to that ! So a big group hug for everybody here ! I love and respect all of ya ! And I respect our differences too ! Welcome back Snakes, good thread