Move ahead to maturity It's the will of our God that we gain ability Try your best to improve in your ministry and tehn our God your work will bless....
by RichieRich 174 Replies latest jw friends
"There is a (something, something) service for aaaallllll; It is the work Jesus did you'll recaaaaaall;
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah;
Keep standing firm for righteousneeeeeeessssss!!!!
Move ahead to maturity It's the will of our God that we gain ability Try your best to improve in your ministry and tehn our God your work will bless....
Those are the words? Wow, I've been out a long time.
Who is the least sorry?
Destroying a false reputation is not vindictive, it's merely having a respect for authenticity.
6 of 9,
Nice try to misrepresent my post, but it's a loser. I never denounced "destroying a false reputation"; rather, I denounced Seth's actions as being more than what's necessary to effect his stated purpose, which was to correct alleged misrepresentations by Richie purportedly affecting Seth's business.
I asserted my opinion that I believe Seth is far exceeding his stated purpose of clearing the name of his business, and that his posts here "appear to be calculated to inflict as much reputational damage to Richie as possible." Inflicting as much reputational damage as possible goes beyond "destroying a false reputation" or clearing up confusion affecting a business. Inflicting more damage than necessary can only satisfy one's desire for revenge, so yes, it is indeed vindictive in nature.
The only people who will accept that kind of behaviour are people who aren't worth having as friends in the first place, so it is already becoming a vicious circle for young master Richie.
Few if any here are condoning that sort of behaviour, but many are expressing forgiveness. I wouldn't expect you or anyone else that advocates being vindictive to comprehend that.
BlackSwan of Memphis
I cheated...I actually still have a song book...
But sad to say, I was merely double checking the words as I did recall the words Jesus said...OMG
Thanks a hell of a lot Mary
Nathan Natas
I also think it is hilarious that the same people who accuse Seth of "kid-bashing" would argue that young Richie should post here because he's "so mature." N
You are a liar, as I am the poster who explicitly accused Seth of "kid-bashing," and I have never at any time argued that young Richie should post here or that he's mature. Cite one post to support your lies, Nathan. You can't, because I've never said what you've attributed to me.
I think it's "hilarious" that you have to lie in your effort to make an issue of the alleged lie of another poster. I don't know for sure whether Richie lied, but I'm sure you have. I will keep your lies in mind as I assess the veracity of your future posts.
I am sure you believe your logic is flawless, and for that I am truly, deeply sorry. Have a nice day.
I'd forgotten about this thread. Thought it was done.
After reading the last three pages I fully support Seth's position and reasons for being here. You are right Seth, Richie says he has proof of employment, but provided none... once again.
In my opinion, all things considered, RICHIE IS A LIAR.
will ask for references. As for the rest of us, he doesn't have to prove his history and he
doesn't have to explain any discrepancies. Whether he embellished or not does not
change his opinions on things JW-related. It doesn't change his opinions on tattoes or
piercings, even. -
There is a place in the service for aaaallllll; It is the work Jesus did you'll recaaaaaall;
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah;
Keep standing firm for righteousneeeeeeessssss!!!!
Thanks a million, I just got that song out of my head from months ago when someone brought it up That'll teach me to check in on a thread again! Is my above addition correct? Jeez I hope not!
Excuse me Vinny,
You seem to be the one that is crying. And that brown lipstick from NN isn't very becoming.
I asserted my opinion that I believe Seth is far exceeding his stated purpose of clearing the name of his business, and that his posts here "appear to be calculated to inflict as much reputational damage to Richie as possible."
Well, let's be clear, Seth has as much right to be here as anyone, and he has ZERO obligation to limit his post to some narrow purpose of "clearing the name of his business". If he merely wants to point out that Richie is a bullshit artist, well those of us sane on the forum are all ears. If you're not, stfu and let the rest of us talk, I don't need you to tell me I shouldn't be interested and even fascinated by the wholesale goofiness of the situation, and I sure as hell don't need you to tell me I should not be interested in the accuracy of what I've been reading on the net. People who did invest emotionally in Richies life, and thought it was returned, don't need you to tell them what their level of discomfort with Richies falseness should be. If you happen to be completely passive in your information and entertainment gathering, perhaps the television rather than the net is more suited to your personality or lack thereof.
You seem to care about Richies reputation. Fine, but if Richie's reputation is a facade, don't tell other people not to look behind the curtain. Cuz that would make you an asshole.
Inflicting as much reputational damage as possible goes beyond "destroying a false reputation" or clearing up confusion affecting a business. Inflicting more damage than necessary can only satisfy one's desire for revenge, so yes, it is indeed vindictive in nature.
You really haven't shown how Seth has done this. He's been fairly restrained, imo. How about a quote that shows Seth's outrageous "vindictiveness" or his "far excess"?
Few if any here are condoning that sort of behaviour, but many are expressing forgiveness.
More than a few most certainly are condoning, but as for those merely "expressing forgiveness" I suppose it's their right. Personally, I believe expressing forgiveness to a beligerent, unapologetic liar is a recipe for encouragement of the behaviour.