
by RichieRich 174 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I think the thing that people are just not getting is that Richie lied to those who cared the most about him.

    How many of you "friends of Richie" even noticed that he went missing for a bit more than a month only a few days after he SAID he had a cardiac event while helping his friend move? How many of you attempted to contact him using every resource at your disposal and the fragmentary indications he provided about where he could be found? Are you, even now, urging Richie to get treatment for what must be a severe medical problem?

    It seems to me that you "friends of Richie" are mostly concerned about reading the latest exploits of SuperBoy. You don't care any more for the real Richie than he cares about you, which he has told you is zero..

    You think that Richie is not as bad as Trevor because Trevor is older than Richie. I am more inclined to wonder what Richie will be doing in coming years given the poor record he's established so soon in his life.

    I also think it is hilarious that the same people who accuse Seth of "kid-bashing" would argue that young Richie should post here because he's "so mature."

    I think Seth deserves our thanks. He has taken the trouble to contact a bunch of mostly ungrateful strangers to warn them. True to the saying, his good deed does not go un-punished.

  • JK666

    Okay Nathan,

    I have now shed my tear about you having hurt feelings from not getting your props from a teenager. Have you ever HAD a teenager? They NEVER get you your props! It is called being a teenager. Get over it.

    For such a "sensitive guy," you were a total pig about the Trevor/Linda thing. I wish you would answer the question I posed in the earlier post.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    JK asked,

    My first question is, why are YOU so damn emotionally invested in this?

    Second, why did you reveal the Trevor/Linda information in such a crass and disrespectful way on this forum. There were many on this board that were deeply affected, but you were only interested in sensationalizing it with the picture you posted. It seems totally ironic that you have the nerve to bring up that can of worms here.

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    I was more of a friend of Richie's than any of you calling for more cow bell. I noticed when he dropped off the board, and I was concerned about his welfare. I tried to contact him using the information he had given me (and everyone else here), only to discover that the stories were complete fabrications. When I confronted Richie about this, he didn't apologize, he told me he didn't care what I thought of him. That being the case, I decided there and then to think far less of him than I had previously.

    As for the Trevor thing, I took the approach I did because sometime hysterical people can be snapped out of it by a slap across the face, just like in the movies. It worked. No one ever says, " Hey dude, thanks for the slap." But you needed it.

    You were one of the first, JK, to accuse me of lying about Trevor, weren't you? Now that it is a matter of record that what I told you was true, you insist on criticizing the method that I used to awaken you.

    You're welcome.

  • Priest73

    OH SNAP!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I have now shed my tear about you having hurt feelings from not getting your props from a teenager. Have you ever HAD a teenager? They NEVER get you your props! It is called being a teenager. Get over it.

    For such a "sensitive guy," you were a total pig about the Trevor/Linda thing. I wish you would answer the question I posed in the earlier post.

    PLEASE FORGIVE ME for making you wait 12 minutes for my reply, JK. I didn't realize you were so emotionally involved with my story.

    But I will respect you and provide honest replies.

    As for getting "props" from Richie... when did it become unreasonable to expect honesty from someone who claims to be your friend? Richie called me his "Uncle Satan," and I was proud of that, in a Mephistophelian way.

    Perhaps it is one thing when someone asks a question that you don't want to answer, and it is easier to lie than to say, "I'm not going to answer that." But what is the reason for volunteering information that is false from word one?

    Let me turn the tables for you JK: why are you so emotionally invested in defending the antisocial behavior of someone so clearly in need of guidance?

  • JK666


    Go back and look at the posts. I never called you a liar. I just think you were an @$$. And I WASN'T one of the people who was enmeshed in that situation.

    And who are YOU to appoint yourself the slapper? GOD?


  • JK666


    I really haven't been defending him that much. I have just been saying that the Seth/Ritchie situation is NONE OF OUR BUSINESS!

    Did you get it this time? I'll wait longer for you to respond now. Thank you for warning me that you are slow.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    OK, I'll be the slow one, and you can be the clever one; but just this one time!

    And who are YOU to appoint yourself the slapper? GOD?

    I'll bet you REALLY don't like to be woken in the morning, do you?

    Well, you have known the truth (about Trevor) and the truth has set you free.

    You're welcome.

    So now YOU are the "Style Police"? YOU will determine if something was said in just the right way? And your qualifications for this are... what?

  • SixofNine

    "I have just been saying that the Seth/Ritchie situation is NONE OF OUR BUSINESS!"

    Say it louder. It'll be just as wrong.

  • Satanus

    NN has the nose of a bloodhound, when it comes to sniffing out bs. Perhaps he has been obtuse in presenting his findings. But then, baying is what bloodhounds do ;) S

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