JW responds to Keep On The Watch blog...

by Burger Time 28 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Marjorie
    So, I'm guessing you shit gold bullion, no? Never screwed up? Never made wrong judgments years ago and have them come back for you to face like you should have to begin with? No? Not ever happen to you? You must be the friggin messiah, you're perfect.

    And such language! From a dedicated servant of JEHOVAH! Isn't obscene language grounds for disfellowshipping?

    And using such disparaging talk about Jehovah's Firstborn?

    If she wants a scripture so badly, here's one: 2 Peter 2:19 NKJV (not from the demon-tainted version )

    While they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by whom a person is overcome, by him also he is brought into bondage.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Uh...she is not my sister.

  • Roddy
    Well I like how she accuses me of being angry, yet she is one the who keeps slinging insults.

    Burger Time, for what it's worth, I admire the calm, logical yet sensitive approach you handled this. All the facts flew over her head. She is bent on discrediting you, and to an extent the victims, rather than the information and the news coverage. And she doesn't see the difference. Two outcomes: 1) Hope some of this will seed inside her and spring to life under the right conditions for her. 2) Hope for that eureka moment when a bell will finally ring loudly in her head where she realizes that what she is told to believe and do doesn't go hand-in-hand with what the Bible teaches us to believe and do.

  • Sunspot
    So, I'm guessing you shit gold bullion, no? Never screwed up? Never made wrong judgments years ago and have them come back for you to face like you should have to begin with? No? Not ever happen to you? You must be the friggin messiah, you're perfect.

    And such language! From a dedicated servant of JEHOVAH! Isn't obscene language grounds for disfellowshipping?

    And using such disparaging talk about Jehovah's Firstborn?

    I can't help but think that we all thought this when reading her less than eloquent remarks, LOL! It certainly does not sound like pearls of wisdom representing the "ambassadors the Christ" that JWs claim to be. I think if *I* was writing back to her, I would definitely make that a point to bring out to her.

  • chickpea
    Shame on the people in the society that tried to handle it themselves, shame on the brother/sister that committed the crime and shame on the parents for putting up with it.

    i have had to step away from this thread for days to rein in my emotions..... even now i am having to swallow around a lump.....

    the ignorant arrogance of this pompus borg apologist is cruel in its intent and unforgivable..... spew the party line and defend the indefensible

    *I* am one of those parents!!! i have had to live with the dysfunctional dymanic that erupts within a family that has to live with the reality of sexually abused children ( yes! plural! children!).....it is now a family legacy, a part of family history that will never go away...... shame on HER for the blind allegiance to an institution that puts its public image above and before any consideration of wounded children, wounded families ..... there is no carpet big enough to sweep this under and the more the stepfords defend or excuse.... the more certain a mass defection.....and the judgment that somehow the parents are the ones to target!!.... i pray that the powers that be spare her the horror of the reality she banters about with theororetical indifference

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    It's almost comical how JW's are so blind to that stuff. Like really? What's worse is I sent a personal message to that Lorren girl and she never responded at all. It's just amazing. At the last apostafest i was talking about how us younger generation is a bit more liberal on things, but this doesn't give me hope at all!

  • Quentin

    *I* am one of those parents!!! i have had to live with the dysfunctional dymanic that erupts within a family that has to live with the reality of sexually abused children ( yes! plural! children!).....it is now a family legacy, a part of family history that will never go away...... shame on HER for the blind allegiance to an institution that puts its public image above and before any consideration of wounded children, wounded families ..... there is no carpet big enough to sweep this under and the more the stepfords defend or excuse.... the more certain a mass defection.....and the judgment that somehow the parents are the ones to target!!.... i pray that the powers that be spare her the horror of the reality she banters about with theororetical indifference


    Ok lurkers, others, this is where the rubber meets the road. Chickpea my heart goes out to you. We are a family with that "legacy" as well. I was no longer a jw, or associated with the wt when this happended to my daughter, at the hands of a family member, over a several year period. It will never go away. Best hope a family can have is the abused gets needed help and "learns" to deal with what happened. Life can get better. Healing never comes. Turning a blind eye in selfrightous indignation goes beyond shame. That girl is a fool who leaves herself open to the thing she denies.

    I do not wish this on her, or any who display the same mindset, nor would I pity them if it did. Ignorence is not bliss. All it does is let the filth spread.

    Anyone who would deny the serious nature of child molestation is a pedophile supporter who bears the evil as much as the one who did it. Pedophiles are slugs that ooze a trail of destruction through families they have contact with.

  • JWdaughter

    Too many JWs I have seen can't seem to clarify between civil litigation and criminal prosecution. And they don't seem to understanding that holding the wTS accountable for their negligent actions is not something that keeps them from pressing charges against a criminal for their abusive, criminal actions.

    I DO think however that in a couple of cases, the individual elders should have been charged with some kind of criminal conspiracy or as accomplices when the knowingly let criminals go on to commit crimes against others. The WTS is not the innocent party to this that the JWs like to think.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Another thing apologists love to bring up is that the elders aren't "required" by law to report it ! I ask....When isn't a shepherd required to look after the sheep ? Are we not to 'obey God's law rather than mans' ? Acts 5:29. And yet, when it comes time to protect the sheep they lamely say:'We have no fiduciary repsonsibility toward the congregation'.Talk about a lame sacrifice ! In every state in this country it is required by law to report child abuse.However, the loophole that the Society uses is that some states allow for clergy-penitent privilege which indicates that if such things are revealed during "confession" that the clergy can keep it confidential.But the real question is:Why would one want to ? Is it really ethically and morally right to do so ? This is why many are working hard to change such laws.Additionally, the Society says elders aren't "clergy" but when it comes time to pull this trick, they'll say:"We're covered under the clergy-penitent priviliege.They certainly are masters at doublespeak and hyprocrisy.There's really a lot more that can be said about this subject but I've probably rambled on a bit here.Suffice it to say, we haven't heard the last of this issue and the Society is very well aware that they have a very BIG problem on their hands.

    Continuing with BreakingAway's line: There are no laws prohibiting the elders from reporting child abuse. Yet, it is still the WTBTS policy that elders are to call the WTBTS Legal department FIRST for direction. Why? To see if it is required to be reported in their state. If it is not required, it is not reported. The family is on their own to decide if they will go to the police... without any support from the elders.

    I wish the apologists were right to say that WTBTS policy is that molestation is to always be reported to police by the elders. Why? Because it is a CRIME for the secular authorities to investigate. The elders may think themselves qualified to handle 'serious sins', but are the elders qualified to investigate crimes instead of police? NO. Why? While the elders are looking for two witnesses, the police and doctors can use things like forensics to determine that a child was violated and by whom, where, and when. Two witnesses? That might have been the best thing available 100 years ago.


    Another note on her response - Why would she dare to debate with a scripture using the phrases "false prophets", "loose conduct", "counterfeit words"? 2 Pet. 2:1-4 accurately describes WTBTS. I was raised with their 'prophecies' that the USSR king of the north was going to invade the USA king of the south, and that the 'end' was so close that it was irresponsible to bring children into the world (1988, right?). Hey, if it walks like a false prophet, quacks like a false prophet, and craps like a false prophet, guess what?

    I lost the link, but isn't this not a sister, but a worldly relative that has lived with her boyfriend for 3 years. Hey, if she wants to defend a group that believes that she's going to be destroyed at Armageddon for living as immorally as a prostitute. Hey, if they're so right, she's birdfeed.

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