If there is a God - I'm REALLY PI$$ED at him

by AWAKE&WATCHING 39 Replies latest jw friends


    I've got one post for the next 14 hours so I figure I'll make it count.

    When I was 21 I began to really question the state of the world. You know- "Is this life all there is, yadda yadda." that sort of thing. I had a beautiful 3 year old daughter that I was terrified was going to die in a nuclear holocaust. I was raised Catholic and always felt like God was there and that he heard my prayers.

    I began to pray, earnestly, sincerely believing that he would point me in the right direction since all I wanted was to figure out how he wanted me to worship him and raise my child.

    I went so far as to drive to a park before sun up several times a week. I would get on my knees and pray while the sun rose. It was so peaceful and beautiful, I felt closer to God as I admired his creation. I begged him to answer my prayers so that I could do his will, no matter what that was.

    When the JW sister came to my door and showed me from the Bible that the earth would be a paradise that would not be destroyed I felt like God had heard me and answered. Now I know that it's all lies and I've accepted that I have been lied to by men.

    What about God? I have been going back and forth for a few months now between thinking he can't possibly exist to hating him if he does.


    If he exists, why would he do that to me? I can't believe in or respect a God like that.

    I also can't let go of the belief that we were designed or created.

    BELIEVERS - How do you continue to believe in a God that would ignore a young mother's pleas?

    ATHEISTS - How can you believe that we have no designer or creator as amazing as humans are?

    UNDECIDED - How do you live with that?

    Please - no fighting, just tell me your viewpoint if you don't mind, without commenting on what others who disagree have posted.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    all I wanted was to figure out how he wanted me to worship him and raise my child.
    It was so peaceful and beautiful, I felt closer to God as I admired his creation.

    Ever get the feeling the answer was sitting right under your nose? The heavens declare...

    For me as a believer, worship isn't about 'doing stuff' - rituals, set prayers etc, it's about being who I'm meant to be - that's worship in spirit and truth. If I take a wrong choice in life, I believe it happens for a reason - such as to teach me something, or maybe to benefit others, or both - whatever, nothing is in vain.

    PS - it's ok for you to be pi$$ed at God too - assuming he's there, he can handle it! Shout and rant as much as you like at Him, he won't send a lightning bolt! Check out Psalm 13, even David had the occasional rant!

  • Gopher

    Well, you know I'm an atheist.

    Your post highlighted a major reason: If God exists, he surely must be on some far away project in a distant universe, because he hasn't been very helpful to mankind. It feels like we're on our own (to many people, anyhow -- some believers have had mystical experiences that make them believe otherwise).

    As far as the design question you raised, I will say that as an atheist I would prefer with what is known, provable or what science has concluded has happened -- evolution. Evolution does not address "origin", or how life started. It addresses how life has developed SINCE the beginning. I won't go into a creation vs. evolution debate here, other than to say that the evolution "theory" is held to be on the same plane by scientists as other scientific theories you have heard about like relativity, quantum mechanics, and plate tectonics.

    There have been millions of gods set up as divine. Christians believe that most of them are false, and so are atheists as to those gods. For the same reason they are atheists to non-Christian gods, I am an atheist to their god. That's all !

  • noni1974

    UNDECIDED - How do you live with that?

    I just think that I'll know for sure when I die.Either I'll wake up to heaven or I'll just won't be around at all and it won't matter anyway.In the mean time I try to live my life by the Golden Rule.I try to be a good person.I forgive myself when I fail to live up to the Golden Rule and when I fail to be a good person.

    I think if there really is a god out there somewhere he knows how I feel and who I am and loves me despite my imperfections and forgives me.

  • journey-on


    What makes you so certain your prayers were not answered? Perhaps your experience was a step or a brick toward the building of your spirituality.

    Here is my belief: There is a Creator----an Intelligent Energy Force. There is a Science to properly accessing this energy force in the practice of Prayer. Once prayer is accomplished with the Right Intention, you then need Faith. That means you Let It Go with Confidence. Send it Out into the Universe Knowing His Will for You will be accomplished over Time. Allow your Life to Unfold like a Lotus Blossom, Knowing in Faith that all is as it should be.

  • worldtraveller

    The fact that we are here should explain something. If we are created, there must be someone or something that created all of this. Here's the problem.......... .

    Not one person has been around long enough to actually witness all the events occuring to create all of this. No one really knows what our reality is and we will probably never figure it out. You can speculate, but what for? Everyone here is probably so freaking far off, so why get yourself worked up?

    The only thing that I know , that is the gospel, is that people of faith (whatever yours might be) have a significantly better life than most others. That's worth it isn't it?

  • AlmostAtheist

    >>ATHEISTS - How can you believe that we have no designer or creator as amazing as humans are?

    'Cause natural selection rocks! :-)

    Seriously, give any process 3.5 billion years, it's bound to come up with something pretty cool.


  • kwintestal

    ATHEISTS - How can you believe that we have no designer or creator as amazing as humans are?

    Science. Humans have too many design flaws to consider us amazing. Why do we share 50% of the DNA of a potato?

    Most theists will argue that we need a "first cause" and that first cause is God. It's one possiblility, but there are many, many others.


  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    I was once where you are now, wondering why it seemed that we had been abandoned by God, and looking at all the good that could be done if there was some sort of intervention. Well, I kept reading and searching for answers, and came to a few conclusions, they are my own, everyone is free to think as they want, I mean who really knows? I do believe in a Creator/Creatress who designed everything we see, I do not believe that the Bible is the word of God, I just think it's composed of myths, stories some invented some borrowed, some historical tidbits here and there.

    I don't believe God wants to intervene I think we have to figure it out for ourselves, we have the resources, the abilities to make a difference here on earth and many people already have. It's up to us and that is a very scary thought for many people they would rather believe in pretty fairytales that solve all our questions but supply no real solutions. I have more to say, but have to go and cook right now, so that is my two cents so far.

    I wish you peace


  • Armageddon Dad
    Armageddon Dad

    "UNDECIDED - How do you live with that?"

    It doesn't bother me.

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