I have seen the Moody Blues three times and each concert was an amazing show. Boston - Third stage and Corporate America was also awsome.
Best Concert you ever went to!!!
by purplesofa 59 Replies latest jw friends
Hey Purps- I saw the Moody Blues 3 times when they came to Northern California , once in 1988, 1989 and again in 1993 . Excellent shows all 3 of them, they rank up there with my top 5 favorite groups with Led Zeppelin and the Beatles and Pink Floyd ! Those were my al-time favorite shows until my son 2 years ago treated me for my 46th birthday to go see Paul McCartney and his band at Arco Arena , Sacramento, CA. My son and I rocked out to McCartney playing at least 35 to 40 songs Beatles and his own for 3 and a half hours. Show started at 8:30 didn't get done till midnight . Greatest entertainer I've ever seen and rock show I've ever been to . He was so down to earth, personable and politely appreciative to the crowd. You could never have been able to tell from his humility that he was in the biggest rock band ever. just a great joking easygoing guy . Best birthday I ever had ! And my son and I dancing at our seats rocking out, with smuggled in Vodka in our coats pockets ! great time ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper Hope McCartney tours here again, I'd go see him again !
south african beef
Rolling Stones - period.
Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention, 1975. Fort Wayne War Memorial Coliseum. If you didn't get the chance to hear them play live, you will never know!
The most "electric" concert had to be the first time I saw Earth, Wind & Fire.
Nvr, i'm jealous that you saw Wilco on the AGiB tour. That musta kicked a$$.
Actually saw them three times on that tour.
Tickets just went on sale to see them around here in February.
It'll be my ninth time. (8 Wilco/ 1 Jeff Tweedy & Glenn Kotche)
You have a PM, Dan.
I saw the Moody Blues in the 90's as well. In New Orleans. They played with a symphony. It was awesome!
The Doors 1968, Cream about six months later. Crosby Stills Nash and Young did a REALLY good show in 1970. No other band there, did all the acoustical stuff, took a break, then rocked for the second set.
A few years ago we saw Trans-Siberan Orchestra. I've heard they're doing all sorts of pyrotechnics now, when we saw them it was just the band and they were signing autographs in the lobby after the show.
1981 -- Electric Light Orchestra "Time" tour
Earlier that same night -- Hall and Oates
SOOOOO jealous! Id love to see ELO. Best concert ever was The Rolling Stones at Wembley a couple of years ago. Not just good songs, but totally excellent showmanship, really entertaining, and we all got to sit down (I know - I know - frumpy old woman I am)
Traffic (1970, Boston Teaparty).