WT Comments (Dec 17-23 DEEP THINGS) FEATURING JK666
by V 41 Replies latest watchtower bible
Para. 1: Once you get used to your WT-colored goggles, you can go through life without ever taking
them off. No sense in seeing things the way they really are, for a good little JW.
I see why you were thinking of ApostaSCUBA this week.Para. 2: Loyal JW’s are not supposed to do any research outside of their Watchtower publications, as the September 2007 Kingdom Ministry brings out:
Great comment above.
I will check out your comments more, JK666- but I won't really need to read anymore of this standard
could sum up the article, itself. -
I love these WT Comments.... I read them every Sunday morning... (JK on that one, but it is fun to beat these empty pinata's masquerading as "spiritual food")
I loved the BS from paragraph 9, that the angels actually benefit from Jehovah's dealings with the Christian Congregation... Then they quote 1 Pet 1:10-12, which if you still believe in the bible, contextually talks about the angels desire to know the salvation god performed through Christ. But here are some lessons the angels could learn from gods dealings with the cult known as Jehovah's Witnesses
- Don't pick a a pyramidologist as your man to start back true worship. (CT Russell)
- Don't pick an alcoholic, bullying, womanizing ass who would tell everyone to knock on doors to preach, though he never did. (JF Rutherford)
- Don't pick as your oracle* (Freddie Franz) a man who saw in almost every other bible verse a parallel between men like Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Job, etc and see them as modern day parallels to Rutherford and Knorr. (*"Oracle" comment attributed to deceased GB member Karl Klein from COC)
Yeah, the angels could learn how NOT to run a religion from the invisible heavens.
defend their faith and to prove that what they have been taught is true.
This is so disturbing. How about teaching them how to FIND truth themselves? How about some basic critical thinking skills and just maybe they will prove YOU wrong.
Just try using outside material in a comment or talk after the September Kingdom Ministry. I am sure that a visit to the back room with the elders would be in order.
I feel this is sweeping and a little unfair. I and many others often quoted directly and indirectly from secular sources in both talks and WT comments.
When properly sanitized, secular research is welcome.
Good job JK666.
First talk at 6 years old???!! No offense intended, I'm sure you were very bright but 6? good grief! I just could not take a 6 year old all that serious as an adult going to supposedly 'learn' about the word of God from a 6 year old. Ok, I shall read the rest or do as I often do and only read the review part to avoid the wt crap.
I feel this is sweeping and a little unfair. I and many others often quoted directly and indirectly from secular sources in both talks and WT comments.
When properly sanitized, secular research is welcome.
You must've had quite the liberal hall. Around here you might be able to get away with one or two, but even then only to quote something that was villified. One brother, in his ID-thumping talk, brought in Charles Darwin's Origin of The Species. The brother claimed to be, at one time, a scientific atheist.
I doubt anyone else would do the same, or quote a secular source one too many times, and not raise a few unwanted eyebrows.
Edit: This sort of tripe writes itself. Good work, JK.
I think that what you said was once true, but the winds are changing in the Organization. The September KM may not be that big a deal now, but it is going to be. The Borg is running scared, and is extremely paranoid. The CO's will be instucted to use this article in the future to tightly control everything said at meetings. We have already seen this in the cutting of the Public Talk to 30 minutes. It has been strongly suggested that the elders are to stick to the outline and not bring in outside material, I believe the shorter talks are more about controlling information than shortening meetings. Very Orwellian!
Time will tell, but I would place a friendly wager that my prediction will come true.
The September KM may not be that big a deal now, but it is going to be.
Some BOE might not be so stiff and controlling to put a stop to using outside research,
but give it time. Sooner or later, the C.O. will notice it during his visit, or some pioneers
will tell him that the elders are allowing it. Or a new elder will make a stink about it,
wanting to demonstrate his labotimized loyalty to the organization.JK is right. Sooner or later, this will be important everywhere. That's why they put it
out there. -
Thanks JK666.
This anointed malarkey makes no sense. -So anointed people around the various congregations are just lowly servants below elders etc. and have no more holy spirit than others - - but the few anointed of the GB do? How do they figure that? Are even all of the GB anointed now?
J ehovah uses his spirit to direct his organization , which provides God's unified people with an understanding of the Bible
It's nice to see them repeat this one more time. It must mean though, that Jehovah's spirit has weakened quite considerably since the Bible was inspired - by the same holy spirit - since they can't get things right from decade to decade now.