WT Comments (Dec 17-23 DEEP THINGS) FEATURING JK666

by V 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    Great comments thanks.

    I love seeing that aparantly all anointed make up the faithful slave, and yet out of that 8k of annointed, only a handful dispense spiritual food (), i'm sure that would have flagged up to me when I was in, maybe it will for some still in - its what Blondie would call talking out of both sides of their mouths (double talk). Its the very thing that I was hearing from the platform that was making waves in my own mind and eventually made me think.

    CS 101

  • JK666


    I just wanted to respond to your comments about 6 year olds giving talks. I remember my first one, I was looking under the podium giving it! A brother then made a plywood platform for me to stand on to give my talks after that. I enjoyed doing Bible readings, but then at about 8 years old, they started giving me the #5 talk (7 minute version of the #4 now). My mother wrote the first one, but made me write my own talks after that. Just what I needed was more homework!


  • WTWizard

    Yes, I remember the "joy" of first learning this material. The thought that I had the chance to live forever, under false premises of having the problems in my life cleaned up. Self righteousness also played a part, as I got rid of my sun-worship decorations and magazines on horoscopes. It was supposed to be a two way street: I had to get rid of those things that were bad and start doing what was good, and Jehovah was supposed to have started allowing me to attract the opposite sex (lest I drive them out with my presence).

    After I did my part, Jehovah refused to do His part. I was seeing nothing good whatsoever coming from that Almighty Deadbeat. From that point on, the "joy" of reading the Bible litter-ature and doing the field circus and going to the boasting sessions was dead. Once Jehovah japped on one promise and started pushing it back to future steps, I knew that He would keep doing that until I went through the Ministerial Training School and then helped fix the congregation worldwide, and then He would have made sure I would stay celibate just so He could call on me to repair the damage from the pedophile fallout and the millions of other things they are messing up on.

    The deeper things never really did interest me, since I stood to gain nothing from it. Who gives a fxxx about agreements between Jehovah and David, Abraham, Jonathan, and Noah? Or, the Jehonadab class vs the Jonathan class? I don't. It doesn't affect me in any way whatsoever. And, what about the difference between the Great Multitude, the Other Sheep, and the Great Crowd? I didn't really give a fxxx about any of that, since I was either a member of all these (and so is nearly everyone else) or of none of the above (either the anointed or the apostate "evil slave").

    I believe all these stupid differentiations are to make them look pious and knowledgeable about nothing. They keep changing their positions about these issues, even more so than about the blatant things. I don't think anyone is going to die simply because they didn't belong to the Great Multitude instead of the Great Crowd. If anyone did die for that, it would little more than prove Jehovah to be an almighty tyrant that wishes to confuse people that can't keep up with the Watchtower Society's stand on issues like this.

    Now, I put myself in that "apostate" class. As for whether I am of the "evil slave" class or not, I definitely will do what I can to ruin the Watchtower Society by exposing them on public forums like this.

  • snowbird

    Great job, JK.

    I wonder how the WT keeps up with all their so-called "truths."

    The explanation about the "woman" has always confounded me. How could 144,000 be considered "numerous"?

    Talk about deep things - the only deep thing about this article is how deep they have to dig to find this stuff. It is certainly not Biblical.


  • bobld

    So why did God start his Earthly Org.in a small English country why not China or India.Today there would be 100 of million worshoppers of God.Also if Satan is blinding the minds of people and God is behind his so JW'S than Satan is smarter than God.Score Satan 6.3 billion,God 6.7or 6.9 million.

  • orangefatcat

    I loved your report, it was extremely interesting and you made some excellent comments.



    Read my posts on this forum I am proving there is no better organization on the face of the earth like Jehovah's Witnesses. If you criticize it tell me which one better .You have to do it to give a solution for those who want to worship in gatherings. I am not saying Jehovah's Witnesses are right in everything but they are better off as compared with any other religious organization on our earth. This is not the point they err but that they err less than any other religiuos organization. If so by this virtue alone they stand first in line to be recognized by God of the Bible as the true christian organization.

    Whatever your religiuos status it must be in accordance with God's plan of salvation .I showed by using Luke 9.49-50 that only remnant class of 144000 servants are acceptable to God Yahweh and we must search for those where are they found .It is one small class of united servants and one seperate independent servant who is not against that one small identified group.And the timeline I am giving helps us to identify those people and through them God Yahweh leads the nations to Jesus Christ in a saving manner.

  • JK666


    Either you are wearing your hemorrhoids as earmuffs, or I want some of your meds!


  • penny2

    JK666, I enjoyed your comments.


  • dark angle
    dark angle


    Seems you have been a victim of the WTSs' propaganda! The idea that JWs are less evil than others and thus better are the societies claims and very easily disproven. almost all religion feel the same way on varying degrees.

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