What if God IS a farce?

by LouBelle 110 Replies latest jw friends

  • BurnTheShips
    Yet you don't see the 'all scripture inspired' verse as metaphor.

    Some of it is context. Some of it is tradition. I don't think Paul was being metaphorical when he wrote that part of the letter to Timothy. The successors of Paul and Timothy did not interpret it that way either. So really, there is a long history to that.

    I gotta go, maybe I will sign in later tonight if the baby lets me.

    Take care Sero, I think you have changed a lot (for the better). Of course, thats just my opinion.


  • SickofLies

    Please do.

    I double-dare you with sugar on top.


    Van Ness describes entropy as complexity in this book. Look under the chapter on the second law. I know of two more books but I'm one the way out the door so I will provide a quote when I get home. BTW, this is for you Burn.


    You should try it sometime.

  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    LOL. i know that game! the best graphics i've ever seen, but the story's just plain boring...

  • AGuest

    I would SO love to resolve this question for each and every one of you, once and for all. You would truly be surprised, not only that God exists, but who and what He is. I sit here, head in hands, trying to think: how can I, as imperfect as anyone who has ever existed, help these to "see" and "hear"? Of course, I cannot, because it doesn't require something from me... but something from you (those who doubt).

    I can only say to you that God... is not a physical being (although He can manifest physically)... but a spirit... and that we, too, all of us are spirits... and that it is WITH the spirit... that we see and hear God. 90% of what is posted here rejects God on the basis that He is not manifest in some physical way, a way that the physical flesh of those who doubt can discern Him. This is true, but it is not proof that He does not exist. It is only proof that your physical body cannot see and hear what is not of the physical realm. Why is that so hard to understand?

    Some ask, "If God exists, why doesn't He manifest Himself plainly?" I would counter, "Why don't you transcend your flesh... so as to SEE/HEAR Him... with YOUR spirit? He did the work once; why can’t/won’t/don’t you do it now?

    “How can I,” you ask? My response would be, “Like God, you…ARE a spirit... albeit, residing in a physical "vessel." YOU... are NOT the vessel that contains you... but the BEING that the vessel contains. You could lose virtually every physical aspect of your vessel/body (save, for now, your entire head, because you could lose parts of your head)... and you would be still be you: your heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, eyes, limbs, etc., could all be removed or replaced... and yet you... would still be you. That is because who you truly ARE... has nothing to do with your FLESH. And yet, it is with your flesh that you want to see and hear God. God, however, is NOT flesh… nor is He contained in or by flesh.

    I remember a statement made to me by a JW "sister" when I and another tried to explain to her how to transcend the flesh and see/hear what is spiritual. She simply didn’t believe it could be done. Rather than try, however, she became angry and in a very frustrated tone, said:

    "People don't worship... what they can't see!"

    How accurate she was! And, unfortunately, that… dear ones… IS THE RUB!! Indeed, this is why you ask what you do here: because YOU need... a "golden calf"... a "VISIBLE REPRESENTATION"... in order to worship God! YOU… cannot do it without one! And unless one is presented to you, you doubt everything about Him! Is that truly something to be prideful about? Is that truly a reason to think that you really “know” something? Really, the TRUTH is that you’re taking pride in your LACK… not in your abundance! And that is, as always, the arrogance of earthling man.

    How interesting it is that we have NO trouble "worshipping" visible entities such as a "society," a "pope," a "Buddha," or in visible places ("handmade temples") such as a "Basilica," a "Vatican", a cathedral, a synagogue, church, Kingdom Hall, etc... all of which are FALSE... and do not contain... or even know God... but can't seem to bring ourselves to worship the TRUTH... simply IN truth... and SPIRIT.

    Dear ones, HEAR me when I say to you that it is earthling man's desire to know God AS A PHYSICAL ENTITY that has brought RELIGION... along with its FALSE prophets and FALSE christs... its misleading scribes... and its hypocritical Pharisaical leaders... into existence! These KNOW you "need" this... something “visible”… and so they give you what YOU "want."

    But it doesn’t have to be that way: we could condescend, humble ourselves even, and consider the possibility that perhaps there is something we DON’T know about, something that is NOT “human,” that we cannot discern with our flesh… but yet exists. It is no different, however, than discerning bacteria, wind, atoms, etc. – the PROBLEM is the “tool” we try to use to discern: the flesh. IT CANNOT DO IT. You have to use another “tool” – your SPIRIT.

    Sigh! The whole world IS lying in the power of the wicked one: you need only pay attention and you can see that. War, hate, hunger, sickness, death, etc…. ALL… are PART OF THE WORLD CONTROLLED BY OUR ADVERSARY. You, however, have allowed yourselves to be tricked by the god OF that world...first and foremost into thinking that the Most Holy One of Israel is responsible, as opposed to the one who is truly responsible! Where is the WISDOM in that?

    The Most Holy One of Israel is not responsible for what is occurring in the earth: “we” are… because “we” CHOOSE to “listen” to our Adversary. “Not me,” some will say. Perhaps, but you are the minority, aren’t you? IF everyone was as “nice,” and “kind,” and “loving” as you… then, most probably the world would not be as it is. Perhaps Adham would not have thought of himself, but of his descendants. However, everyone is NOT “nice,” and “kind,” and “loving,” no matter what their outward appearance and statements may be. MOST… are out for themselves. Hunger is not the result of God failing to provide food – it is the result of HUMANS failing to provide it. War is not the result of God arbitrarily bringing calamity upon humans – it is the result of HUMANS bringing it, and man “dominating” man. God did not bring sickness and death into the earth – Adham did. God tried… TRIED… to prevent it by warning Adham.

    Why, then, you ask, if God is NOT responsible, if He doesn’t want these things to happen, doesn't He step forward and say something... do something? I respond to you that He HAS. He provided an image… and only ONE… for you to look upon: Christ. And that image is still available, if you would only condescend to move past your flesh… into your spirit… to discern it.

    If only you would put your gaze on the Copper Serpent, the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the One that the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, has lifted up FOR each and every one of us. Look at him… and you WILL see God.

    May those wishing, hear… and get the SENSE of it.

    Again, I bid you all peace.

    A slave of Christ,

    SA (okay, eyerollers… take it away!)

  • portcontrol7

    God is irrelevant when one comes to understand that Christianity is a western medieval bastardization of Buddhism. One need only study the teachings of the Buddha to see that Jesus merely copied these teachings. Jesus goes from a young boy, to a 30 year old in the bible. Where could he have gone in these missing years? Hmmm....

  • mouthy

    Can I ask an easy question? Not what is God, but WHERE is God? Might make more sense if I knew that. I can only give you MY answer !!!! Since God is LOVE! I invited HIM into my heart ! So He is in my heart. But because he is EVERYWHERE ,any who wants to KNOW HIM just invite him in.... He is knocking at OUR door instead of us knocking at everyone elses .
    When I was in such despair I said "If you are truly there ! I know I have done so much wrong I am a sinner, let so many down, please come into my life "
    Yep I know you dont believe me but ....He came.... I changed a hundred fold. ( still got hangups) but I am not a person as I was as a JW....Self rightous.! I truly do love......ALL even those who have hurt me at times .......

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    Who!,Who! God---Who that? lol lol

  • serotonin_wraith
    Some of it is context. Some of it is tradition. I don't think Paul was being metaphorical when he wrote that part of the letter to Timothy. The successors of Paul and Timothy did not interpret it that way either. So really, there is a long history to that.

    Yeah, you "don't think Paul was being metaphorical". That's my point. You're guessing.

    Didn't Jesus mention the flood and the sin of Adam? I could try and find that, but you may be aware of it already so it would save me some time. But just applying the same criteria to those examples, you may see the dilemma.

    Take care Sero, I think you have changed a lot (for the better).

    You have to know the bad before you can appreciate the good. Oh wait, that's a Christian's argument for evil in the world! Kiddin aside, I'm more familiar with you and you appear half open to new ideas. Way more than some anyway. What usually gets me laying the 'rude' on thick is a closed mind. Take care.

  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    how can I, as imperfect as anyone who has ever existed, help these to "see" and "hear"? Of course, I cannot, because it doesn't require something from me... but something from you (those who doubt).

    no, this requires something from the deity you're talking bout. "He", as you call it, should have all the means to show us it exists.

  • LouBelle

    shew - gone for one night and exploshiaaaan. I've read all your posts and thank you all for taking the time to debate this way and that. Some of you have suggested reading material and I will be spending my leave playing catch up.

    Burn - you truly have a passion for debate and to let you know RED tastes like cherries with brandycream

    Doublevision - your avitar made me chuckle. I remember 9/11 very clearly - I worked at National Newspaper and the 'feeds' we were getting back!!!!!

    serotonin_wraith: that's way I highlighted idea - I'm happy with the idea of god.

    Aguest - thank you for taking the time to put that all down - I've never looked at it that way before - me transending to spirit - I know/believe we should put off the flesh...it's hard to do.

    Ian - we need to share more. When I get back I'll be PMing you.

    Everyone else THANKS!!! I have a lot to chew

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