Will you have a bag of popcorn ...

by compound complex 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    Yes - moi aussi - only at the movies! Maybe this weekend ...
    Thanks de la reponse.


    How do you sneak in a BAG? We fellows really can't unless we are wearing cargo pants ...
    Outside food in theatres is verboten here, somewhat north of you. Thanx for sharing.

    CoCo Corn

  • MissingLink

    oooh that sound good - seaweed sesame seed. never would have thought of doing that with popcorn

  • Leolaia

    compound....No, it's just a litle produce bag I bring. I get the popcorn at the venue itself.

    Missing Link....Yes, it is very good, and very popular back home....it makes the popcorn very savory with a more complex flavour. And adding the arare on top makes it perfect. It's really somewhat incomplete without the arare....any arare could technically do, but I usually only settle for the best, Tomoe Brand.

  • changeling

    Will you be seeing Sweeny Todd at the movies this weekend CoCo?

    I loved the play, so I can't wait! Might have some popcorn too...


    "Sweeny, Sweeny Todd! The demon barber of Fleet Street!"

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    The only way I get anything remotely specialty is as in a gift food basket. I never buy but the basics. All meals from scratch ... do you know that term in England?


    You mean to say that Butterkist is classed as speciality over there? No way!!! Butterkist is quite possibly the best selling brand over here

    I'd never dare try making my own popcorn from scratch - I'd probably end up with my house surrounded by the army bomb disposal unit lol!

    I did make some microwaveable popcorn once - where they gave you the basics and told you how long to cook it - that's quite dangerous enough for me!!

  • Leolaia

    Well, Sweeney isn't playing in this one horse dorp or any other dorp in the county or the next one, so I'm screwed....guess I'm going to Charlie Wilson's War instead...

  • Marjorie

    CoCo: Yes to all, plain buttered being my favorite.

    sad emo: It's easy to make popcorn at home. I make mine in a non-stick wok on top of the stove. Try it.

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    I was considering "National Treasure: the Book of Secrets." I read the reviews on "Sweeney Todd," which, I gather, is 90% singing or recitative. That's all right. The review pointed out that the marketing of "ST" leaves out that salient aspect re: the normally anticipated dialogue. The "musical" format is potentially off-putting to the typical guy. But typical CoCo ain't.
    Thanks and have some popcorn!


    We already have issues with microwaveable porridge, haven't we? LOL! What I meant was that I never travel the market aisles with such items as popcorn, crackers, pate' do foie gras, et cetera. To me "beyond-popcorn" is as much a specialty as pate' or brie. Call me a rustic ...
    BTW: I never use a trolley as it gets rather too congested and we have gridlock, which is always to be regretted. I lug a basket or canvas bag.

    CoCo Con Corny

  • chickpea

    no bags here!!

    the spouse and all the tribe make the real deal with a gen-yoo-wine whirley popper and coconut oil, using the much finer grained popcorn salt ( sparingly) and serve it in a bowl ....a truly mouthwatering aroma that draws in the neighbours!!! better than the movies!! there is no time when good popcorn is unwelcome.....( note: i am talking REAL world here so please! no reminders how unseemly to be munching same at some unsuspecting civillians door whilst out in the circus work )

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo


    my New Year's resolution is to make popcorn from scratch!

    First I have to find out where to buy popping corn, and then hope the instructions are on the packet!

    How do you make it buttery? Do you just melt butter onto it while its warm or do you make it in the butter?

    Ooohhhh - I'm having a panic attack just thinking about it now!

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