Jehovah, the God of Justice, Executes the Wicked

by TMS 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AllTimeJeff
    Who can judge God?

    I can. So can others who aren't in slavery to the superstitious fear of an invisible deity. I can judge just as well as "god" supposedly does. Frankly, his judegement is in question.

    God has all of the facts

    Where is he hiding these facts? Did he tell you? Would you mind sharing them...

    If you were being sarcastic, please accept my apologies. If you weren't, then these are some questions to ponder that are perfectly legitimate.

  • purplesofa

    great opening post TMS,


  • writetoknow

    Do you believe in God? If you don't then perhaps you need to judge those that did things in God's name.

    In other words, the concept is easy blaming something you feel is made up as real is stupid!

    But if you believe in God then you also have a problem because His word states He doesn't answer to man. Tuff luck for all of us complaining people that think He has to give us an answer.

    Moreover, you cannot judge something that is all powerful you can criticize, but you lack the power to pronounce sentence on the greater.

  • AllTimeJeff


    Do you believe in God? If you don't then perhaps you need to judge those that did things in God's name.

    I do not believe in god. As an agnostic, I judge the mythical made up god of man. By pointing out (or as you might call it, Judging) the flaws of the biblical god with his lack of love and insight, me and many others hope to get thiests to think about the claims they make about the god they worship as they describe him.

    In other words, the concept is easy blaming something you feel is made up as real is stupid!

    I can't tell you how many times I re-read this in order to understand your statement. It sounds like you are saying that "blaming" (or as I call it, pointing out) those who invent god, or just blaming (i.e. pointing out) that god is cruel is stupid. Well, we are all entitled to our opinions, and anyone can read here to see who explains their point of view and beliefs to a satisfactory degree.

    But if you believe in God then you also have a problem because His word states He doesn't answer to man. Tuff luck for all of us complaining people that think He has to give us an answer.

    Well, on this I agree with you. This proves the point that since god really hasn't answered man EVER, there is no point in waiting further for an answer. We all must find the anwers to "why", "the purpose of life", etc. As I don't believe in god, I don't suffer from this problem.

    Moreover, you cannot judge something that is all powerful you can criticize, but you lack the power to pronounce sentence on the greater.

    Is judging only pronouncing sentence? You do know that "judging" has more then the Perry Mason meaning, don't you? And btw, I just criticized him, continue to do so, and I DO HAVE THE POWER TO JUDGE HIM AND PRONOUNCE HIM DEAD, because he isn't alive.

  • writetoknow

    The concept is not difficult. If you don't believe in "God", then you have to believe religion and the bible is made up by man. Thus, to blame a god or God is foolish because he never exist accept in the make believe.

    Judging in the bible requires passing a sentence rather that be in the heart or having the power to pronouce a sentence by law.

    In your case you are passing judgment on something that is make believe which again make no sence.

    For the person that believes in God - if they think they can judge God, that is impossible from a human stand point and from bible teaching.

    Judging comes from a legal term : a judicial fuction, an official who performs the function of a judge in hearings within an administrative agency.

    God cannot be judge because He is all powerful. When a person goes before a judge they do not judge the judge at least not openly in court. According to the bible God is the "judge" of all and it is his court room.

  • TMS


    I would love to respond to any one of your thirteen posts to this topic but your arguments are all over the place, self-contradictory. If English is your second language, I understand. Sometimes its possible to miss the subtleties and implications when you struggle with the language.

    With some hesitancy, I will quote one of your posts:

    If my understanding is correct the post start with how unjust Jehovah is?
    That is not really correct. My original post deals with how the Bible presents Jehovah. If you accept those incidents at FACE VALUE, Jehovah does not look good. If Jehovah authored the 66 books of the old and new testament, he signed off on those descriptions. If humans were simply attributing certain events to a deity they invented, so be it. My original point is very basic: Jehovah, the God of the Bible is unjust, merciless or those writing about him in the Bible are dishonest, liars. Either way, the Bible and the God it presents is not worthy of our life's devotion. tms ps: writetoknow: In your profile you state that you are a former elder, pioneer. . one who served in multiple congregations where "the need was great". You also state that you are a certified graphologist, handwriting expert, "Write To Know" being the name of your handwriting analysis business. A google search did turn up a company "Write to Know" in Portland, OR. The owner of that company is a woman, an elementary school teacher for 33 years, a graphologist since 1978. ??

  • writetoknow

    TM you certainly take yourself very seriously! So are you now stating that you are not claiming Jehovah God to be unjust by His recorded actions?

    Let see if I have this right? You don't believe in God, but you like to post topics that are provocative about God. Thus, you want everyone to tell you how great you are and when someone doesn't you get personal?

    So my very deep question is why do you blame something that is make believe?


  • AllTimeJeff

    TM you certainly take yourself very seriously! Let see if I have this right? You don't believe in God, but you like to post topics that are provocative about God. Thus, you want everyone to tell you how great you are and when someone doesn't you get personal?

    So my very deep question is why do you blame something that is make believe?

    TMS, stop taking yourself so seriously! Can't you see you are hurting some people's minds?

    Please allow me to tell you that in my opinion, you are the best poster EVER on JWD!!! YOU ARE GREAT!!!


    Write To Know, I have one question for you, and I can't say it is a deep question. Why does it bother YOU that others blame things that could be "make believe"? Are only certain people qualified in your mind to do this? You haven't made sense in any of your posts my friend.

    And are you a believer in god, or are you an agnostic/athiest?

  • TMS


    So my very deep question is why do you blame something that is make believe?

    Please don't flatter yourself. Nothing you've said displays any logic, let alone depth.


  • writetoknow

    I don't spend much time blaming the tooth fairy for my problems.

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