First a bit of background (in case you are not familiar with my family history)... My Mom is 68, My Dad is 63. They run their own small business which involves my Dad travelling all over the country and my Mom running the office. My Dad is an insulin dependant diabetic and my Mom suffers from chronic high blood pressure. My only sibling is a sister who is 27 and lives in Bethal.She is a housekeeper and her husband repairs the shoes there.
Today I call my mom to say Hi... the conversation goes something like this....
Me: So when are you going back to work Mom?
Mom: uggh, on the 2nd Jan... I wish I could just retire you know!
Me: So where's your big pension fund? When do you plan to retire?
Mom: Haha what pension fund... but it's ok... Armageddon is coming soon
Me: Ya - it has been coming soon for lots of years (very brave of me - I never challenge mom on JW issues)
Mom: Well things are just getting worse and worse and it is not just here - look at what just happened in Pakistan.
Me: (muttering) yeah and bad things like this never happened in the entire world history
Mom: (hearing me getting a bit tetchy) So how are the kids...? (and the subject swiftly changes)
So here is my rant, and it is on different levels...
1. I hate the WTS and all it stands for - it is so clear to me that they are taking all their followers for fools and they are all victims of a cruel deception.
2. I hate that my Mom and Dad and sister and so many others are victims of their bloody deception and are too blind to see what a ride they are being taken for.
3. I hate that I never stand up to them and challenge them and their lies... I don't know if it is lack of courage or trying to preserve some semblance of a relationship that prevents me from doing this.
4. I hate that the sole responsiblity of looking after my parents is going to fall on me because they haven't made provision for their old age - because hey - armageddon was supposed to be here before I even finished highschool (that was almost 13 years ago!)
Uggh - I am just so mad at the moment!