"The Great Armageddon Retirement Fund" - A Rant by Princess Daisy Boo

by Princess Daisy Boo 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jayhawk1

    Mom: Well things are just getting worse and worse and it is not just here - look at what just happened in Pakistan.

    Me: (muttering) yeah and bad things like this never happened in the entire world history

    Didn't you know this woman was the first woman head of state to ever be killed? Forget about French Queen Marie Antoinette in 1793 and the Russian royal family in 1917 among many others too numerous to mention. But no, this is the time of the end because JWs say so.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Oh well if JW's say so, I'd better quit my career and sell my belongings

  • hamsterbait

    Actually PDB -

    The Witchtoweres babble on looking after aging parents, is that the responsibility falls on the shoulders of their BELIEVING relatives.

    Lets face it, you could well be DA or DF by the time they retire. Then think how they will treat you after you have made sacrifices and made the effort to help them.

    Garybuss could fill you in on the shitloads he had to put up with from his family before he practised reverse shunning.

    It is a hurt that refuses to go away. I am facing a similar choice with my elderly Mother too. (Tho she does appear to be waking up a little)


  • Ayla

    Jesus H. Christ!! All these posts are so frightening. I have to say I feel very lucky!! Very LUCKY! I know they hate that word so I use it on purpose. My parents were in the so-called truth from their late teens onward. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on the year) they were mostly fence-riders. They wantd to be "good" but they never let their common sense be trotted upon so they were often cast as rebels needing frequent visits from the so-called elders. For one, my parents married in the 40s and were promptly told not to waste time and energy building a house or having children. My sassy-assed mom told my father that she fully intended to have children and if he wanted to be their father, he'd best hustle up. Those ill-advised kids are now in their late 40s and early 50s.

    As for the house, my parents were again discouraged and lots of old ass idiots shook their heads in despair at the waste of time since the end was near. At 23 years old and in the face of much discouragement, my late father built the home my now 80 year old mother still resides in. It was a small, modest home, but they built it as they could afford the pieces - week by week - month by month - they eventually had their home. My parents have been 100% mortgage-free for 60 some years and that is certainly NO THANKS to the "Society" and the "Friends." We lost my father in 2003 at 80 YO. Don't ask me about the hospital drama and the TOTAL lack of Witness support to his able-minded decision to forego blood -- suffice it to say -- the 30YO "elders" were absolutely ABSENT at the hospital as my father struggled against the very loud, strong-opinions of medical profs in his decision.

    In any case - I can absolutely see and hear the despair in the voices of those of you whose parents put their entire trust in this organization and now have NOTHING to secure their old ages and future. How maddening and frightening. My heart aches for you all. And my anger toward the WTBTS is inflamed to new heights. I'd especially be pissed to contend with able bodied siblings who remain in LaLa Land about the future. Nothing against any of your families - but I praise God that my parents didn't drink enough of the KoolAid to totally rob themselves of a future and security. My mother can live out her life secure in her home and her daughters can rest easy about that.

    Praise God for sassy parents! I am filled with anger for your stories and gratitude for my irreverant parents.

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