If we were a congregation?

by joelbear 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • logical

    id be the lonely fucked up freak who everyone goes out of their way to avoid. Just like now.

  • joelbear

    I would be the one who sits in the back by Logical and keep him laughing until the elders come and separate us.

  • CornerStone

    I want to be the brother who works his arse off helping all the "friends" in the cong. with broken cars, tall grass, busted plumbing, being mag. servent, territory servent, puketower reader, book study reader, mike runner, etc., and be STRIPPED of EVERY %@#$! *@# responsibility for asking a few "questions" all the while enduring humilating sceens like having the microphone SNATCHED OUT OF MY HAND because I did not know I had that responsibility removed from me!

    THEEEEEEN I want to be ignored by selfrighteous pinheads.

    Yeah! I'd like to be THAT brother! Right on!


  • waiting

    Howdy CornerStone,

    Still got some issues, eh? Welcome to the Former JW Club.


  • CornerStone

    Hello Waiting,

    Yep. Still got "issues" and will have them for some time to come. Not to worry however. There are worse things in life. I could be a starving, freezing, Afgahn child waiting for a bomb to be dropped on my head, so i'm not complaining...., that much.


  • outnfree


    I will help you in the kitchen with food preparation (fruit platters my specialty! ), but I will NOT help clean up afterwards.

    I will also throw get-togethers at my house when my not-a-JW husband is out of town. Euchre, anyone?


    Par dessus toutes choses, soyez bons. La bonte est ce qui ressemble le plus a Dieu et ce qui desarme le plus les hommes -- Lacordaire

  • teejay

    I want to be the brother who can't ever quite 'get himself together'; who's always seen (sometimes heard) in the back room, arguing with the elders about issues large and small. Usually small.

  • Mindchild

    I wanna be the brother who enjoys freaking people out with weird stuff and practical jokes. I love to turn hot coffee into instant solid jello by adding a little bit of chemicals or dropping dry ice into the K.H. toilet and letting it "boil" the water in the bowl, making the next guy that comes in wonder what the hell I've been eating. Oh, I would love to play with the sound system and make it pick up an AC DC tune in the middle of the Watchtower study or tune it for CB trucker talk.

    Of course, I love coming to the hall in really cool disguises (one of my hobbies) and totally blow people away when they find out who I am.

    Can I also paint contact explosive on the bottom of the light switches and put ants in the contribution box?


  • Bridgette

    Oh, I want to be sister best of both worlds. Doesn't take the troof too seriously. Only goes to meetings when she feels like it, because she was raised in "it" by her mother, sister barely active. I have VERY FORTUNATELY married out of the troof (don't give a damn what the stupid elders think), and get to go to rated r movies, fabulous worldly parties, and wear nice clothes never have to worry about conventions (I stay in HOTELS that are not on "the list", not crappy MOTELS) and live in a nice house, and drive a nice vehicle--all because I didn't marry a good window washing brother (not that there's anything wrong with that--just trying to make a point). And for my kids, meetings are totally optional (they opt--NOT) "because their father doesn't like it", and we're saving to put them through college. I secretly pity all of the future little slaves I see sitting with their parents at meetings, adn try to encourage them to go to college whenever I get the chance. All the good little sisters (mostly poor, neglected elders' wives) talk behind my back, because they are secretly jealous as hell. I have very few friends in the congregation, but those who are my friends, are REALLY my friends, unconditionally, as there's no "political" gain to be made by associating with me. We get to share in many guilty pleasures (spas, facials, art museums, etc. while the "good sisters" are out peddling magazines). Soon after my mother passes on, I simply fade out. No one gives me grief, as I (thankfully) never mattered much in the congregation anyway. My REAL friends are still my friends.
    that was fun! Can't imagine going back, but if I did, it would go something like that.

  • Escargot

    I would be the one you would confess your sins to. Also, I would be the keeper of the Franz Books....

    Erasmus (1520 AD): "If we want truth, every person ought to be free to speak what they think without fear."

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