had one the other night where i was at a meeting so someone would let me off over something i'd done, in the end i got sick of it so i stood up and said i've had enough of this sh** and that is when i had a fight with a 'brother' outside who picked me up by my neck and threw me so i did a kind of neo kick, saying that i had just been watching the bourne identity so maybe that had something to do with all the actions scenes lol, i never have dreams like that normally but i've had the odd one over the years and strangely enough the odd demonic type one but they are VERY RARE and usually occur when i've had a lot on my mind, particularly religion.
I wish the nightmares would stop.
by Micky4321 32 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I had reacurring nightmares for years with the same theme, every now and then even now I will still have them, but thankfully not often.
In my dreams I would find myself in a large building of some sort, with what seemed like hundereds of people milling about around me. Everyone I knew in my life were always present in these dreams. I would walk through them speaking to them, but no one would ever respond to me. I would become more upset in my dream as I ran through the crowd of people, desperate because I realized they couldn't see me. I felt like I was running lost through a maze and would run up to faces I knew, saying "can't you see me", answer me. Each time I ran up to someone and was not seen, I would become more desperate and frantic, and would always wake up with my heart racing and a deep feeling of fear and sadness that always took some time to shake off before I could go back to sleep again.
It took a long time for me to finally understand what the dreams meant, as I didn't associate them with being shunned at first. After seeing a psychologist and sharing the theme of the dreams, we figured out why and worked on way's to calm myself upon waking. I am thankful that these dreams are few and far between now, as when they do occur, I still experience the same initial frenetic feelings, but at least now when I wake up I am able to use rational thought and soothe myself much faster.
keyser soze
Mine usually involve Armageddon, though not in the manner we learned about as JW's. It's always a differen't method every time.