Hi NYCgirl,
Wow! I can REALLY relate to how you feel. However, I have probably been questioning the JW doctrine more than you, it seems. That said, for the sake of still having a GREAT family that is still "in" and aware of many of my concerns & being understanding about it, I am still struggling about what path to take. This religion is all I have ever know, and, like you, I still find "worldly" holidays distasteful.
And add to that concern, trying to raise children (I have none) with a future mate boggles my mind. Like me, you will have to find someone like yourself: someone that understands the past history of being a JW....and THEN, go through the dating process to see if you are even compatible with that person (butterflies, as you call it).
Honestly, I am grateful in ways to have been raised a JW....with some downsides. The upside is never smoking, trying drugs, no child support or STDs. The downside is social awkwardness and playing catchup to everyone else as regards to understanding and being able to "read" people successfully (trustworthy or not,etc.).
In short, I would reevaluate & "make sure" of what you have been taught, and if then, you still want to at least find a "drifter" like yourself, make sure you are on the same page on things because, IMHO, you can STILL live in a "divided household" even while BOTH being "inactive believers", regardless of how much you "believe". You could be comfortable (like myself) with being "inactive" but still avoiding holidays,smoking,incessant patriotism and such, while letting the "no-no"s such as the blood issue and voting slide, but THEN, one day, your husband decides to get "active" again and now you have to deal with the "truth" being his number one priority instead of you. Believe me, I have had experience with this.
I admit, it's a hard thing to find....what we are individually looking for. Just decide what YOU want & the rest will follow.