Current & Former Elders- Will You Help Witnesses - Get Out of the Cult ?

by flipper 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthsetsonefree

    I agree too on the living well. Now if I can just be around them more they can see just how well. Forty five pounds lost (and counting), happy, new GF, healthy non publishing daughter....


  • flipper

    ORACLE- I too really believe we can make a difference! I agree that the witnesses have done nothing wrong for the most part: other than having been trapped by " mind control". They do deserve to be free! It is my goal with regards to my witness daughters in 2008 !

    ROLLING ROCK- I agree. Oracle is a cool undercover elder !

    BLONDIE- I agree with you. It's better to come from an angle of being their friend to help them get out of the WTS. They need to be able to trust us ! And if we bring up a topic- if they get tense, then address it at another time. We have to be patient, I agree. Those are good questions you posed at the end of your post for them to consider ! Good ideas.

    LENNY in BLUEMONT- I agree with you guy. It is very difficult to get people out of the cult. I tip my hat to you in the effort you put out trying to get your friends and aquaintances out ! I agree we can't force them to leave the witnesses, but like you I too feel a responsibility to help them get out- especially my 2 grown daughters. I'm gonna give it my best shot this year.

    SAMMIELEE 24- I agree with you that if a witness raised inside has only the "witness " experience to draw from, it is hard to bring out the authentic non-cult personality.

    That being said however notice this quote from Steve Hassan's book on mind control about long term cult members . It's from page 116 & 117, it says," But long-term members are by no means hopeless. They just require a lot of patience and continued effort. In fact , (Hassan continues)I have discovered that in many ways it is easier to counsel someone out of a long-term membership. Such a person knows the harsh realities of life in the group- the lies, the manipulations, the broken promises of cult leaders- whereas the new member may still be walking on air during the honeymoon stage of cult entry. "

    But Sammies wife- I agree with you that a jolt like being disfellowshipped can jar a person to reality real quickly out of the cult mentality ! Good points you make ! Peace.

    I will respond to the rest of you posters points in a little bit on another post ! Thanks for the replies ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    TRUTHSETSONEFREE- I think guys like you and Oracle can be a great help on JWD ! Living well certainly is the best payback to the org. ! Peace.

    BLACK MAN- That is very true what you say about living a positive life being the biggest eye opener after getting out of the cult. The governing body tells all the witnesses that if they leave the cult- that we all turn into drug using, alcoholic,fornicating axe murderers . LOL! The GB keeps them in fear of leaving that way !

    CARLA- I do hope your husband the JW can get free from under" cult mind control". Hopefully somebody you know living in your area can reach him.

    BY GRACE- That was a nice poem by Abandoned, I agree!

    DOC BOB- I agree that living well is the best revenge on the Watchtower society ! I too since being out, have noticed the rare times I've seen witnesses I knew- looking haggard and exhausted like they've been dragged through a knot hole backwards ! Too much stress living in the cult ! I also like them to see I'm living well. As I said, I don't see them often, but I want them to see I didn't wilt, lay down and die when I left the cult

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    I have to jump on the Flipperman's bandwagon and agree with all the excellent points that were made by the individual posters. Each of you comes from a different frame of reference, and all of you make great points based on your experiences.

    We all have a few powerful things in common - we have all had our awakening. We also all realize "the truth" for what it really is, and we would like to see innocent people freed from its influence. In our own ways we all do what we can. Some can do more than others given their circumstances, and their abilities, and their desire. And unlike the WT speech on "do what your circumstances permit", in our case the important element of "desire" is an important part of the occassion. And guess what, if you don't want to do something - then you are not going to be judged by a powerful collective of all your close friends and family.

    I digress slightly, but thought I'd share what I was thinking.

    It's always great to hear about people who are waking up to the realities of the JW faith....on that note I am happy to share some special news.... WE GOT THROUGH TO ANOTHER ONE TODAY.... YIPPEE!!

    This sister had no clue what blood fractions were and that the society had changed its policy so significantly in recent years....nor did she realize the former stance on vaccinations that was dogmatically preached in the past. Needless to say - she was shocked. She no longer feels the faithful and discreet slave be blindly followed as "the only channel of communication from God". She has correctly concluded that they cannot be what they claim. Her mind has been opened. The wheels are turning... it's now only a matter of time.


    The Oracle

  • flipper

    ORACLE- I'm so glad to hear that this " sister" in your congregation has awakened to the real truth about the governing body ! Great work man ! Way to go. I know you will keep workin' on others this coming year as myself and many others will. It is true what you said, we have all come from our various different life experiences , so we all have our angles we are working from.

    I was going to say- if you have any suggestions for me or opinions on how to approach helping my daughters 20 and 19 out of the cult, I'm open to your suggestions. I would appreciate it. Feel free to post it here on this thread, or pm me, whichever way is fine- I value your opinion. I know of a former elder who by use of the book, " Combatting Cult Mind Control", got his mom out of the witness cult, but will keep that confidential as I don't think he wants it known . So, I know it works . Feel free to advise me on my daughters ! Thanks, appreciate your posts and advice

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Hiya Flipper,

    Having read many of your posts over the last year, I think you have more than enough information, and more than enough grace and style to deliver the message

    I guess the secret formula lies in somehow figuring out what the right buttons to push are, for your daughters. And we all know, they are different for everyone.

    Do they know all the ugly stuff about the org already? And they are just incredibly loyal and dismiss everything without really thinking too long and hard about it?


    Are they completely unaware of all the past teachings, the deception, cover-ups, and foolishness? I believe if the later is true you will have a much easier time. If the former is true you need to get involved in some deprogramming kind of activity. You need to chip away at the loyalty. One approach that can have some good results is to very slowly help them appreciate that they (the FDS) are not "loyal" to you.

    I would love to help you more specifically if that is what you would like. Just keep communicating with me through public post or private message.

    Let's make it our goal in 2008 to free your daughters!!!

    The Oracle

  • flipper

    ORACLE- Thanks so much for your offer of help! I will definitely take you up on that ! I am on Chapter 8 of the " Combatting Cult Mind Control" book, and starting the " How to Help" chapter- so let me finish this book and perhaps we can put our heads together by private pm e-mail and discuss some ways I can get started on this mission with my daughters . I will P.M. you about it within a couple weeks when I'm done with the book! Thanks again, so much. Peace out, your brother in arms against the cult, Mr. Flipper

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    You got it bro!

    The Oracle

  • flipper

    I hope there are lots of other elders out there like our friend Oracle, who are willing to go undercover and help some people out of the mind controlling cult, Jehovah's Witnesses

  • AGuest

    something other than what is perceived as "divine" motivation, the following is a great read:

    I bid you all peace!

    A slave of Christ,


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