The only three reasons to miss a meeting?

by outofthebox 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • moomanchu

    This guy actually said this? Are you serious?

    What about snowy weather they always cancel meetings for bad weather so the elders won't get a fender bender on their BMW.

    I could give you a million reasons that start with F

    F***king bad weather.

    F**king bad hangover

    F**ked up car..................................


  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    I forgot! hmm! what's a meeting? I like Sunday school and sermons!

  • flipper

    The only three reasons to miss a meeting ?

    1. Boring

    2. Monotonous

    3. Mundane- did I mention they were boring ?

    Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • monophonic

    ugh, i missed seeing einsturzende neubauten in 1992 b/c it was on a meeting night.

    at least my priorities are straight these days.

  • Confucious

    Frankly Friends might be Fornicating?


  • juni
    Establish authority, use established authority to create demand for product, promote product to raise funds, use products to recruit new members, use established authority to keep members from questioning the authority, use shunning at the meetings to coerce compliance from members.

    What a brilliant BUSINESS PLAN. And all tax free!!

  • bronzefist

    Sounds lke pretty F'upped reasoning to me.


  • frankiespeakin

    1) F**king

    2) Fishing

    3) F**king around and do anything you like

  • Must obey!
    Must obey!

    I would have stood up at the end of that talk and walked out loudly proclaiming "F YOU...I'M OUTTA THIS F'NG ARSEHOLE RELIGION!!!!

  • alamb

    I've heard that one from the platform. Struck me as nutsy even then.

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