....Brooklyn forgot that this year is a leap year in the Hebrew Calendar, and Passover begins @ Sundown on April 20th of 2008. Now, will they fix this mistake, or come up with some crap excuse on why its not on Nissan 14th this year? Either way, they are in a massive jam.
2008 Memorial...How will Brooklyn fix this MASSIVE blunder?
by A-Team 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I read about that too.
I imagine that they will use the line that an elder used on me about another matter - "They are part of Babylon The Great" - therefore they are wrong... etc etc
It'll be interesting to see if anything happens over it.
They don't care when the modern-day Jews calculate their Nisan 14 - they were "rejected by God back in the first century" (per JW theology), remember?
The WT has always relied on their own internal calculation of "Nisan 14", to wit, "the date when the next full moon after the new moon closest to the spring equinox is first visible in Jerusalem".
Their calculations of "Nisan 14" have, in years past, at times been a day or 2 off from the official Jewish calendar's "Nisan 14".
If this "massive blunder" is brought to the attention of the typical JW, all he'll do is shrug his shoulders and say "looks like the Jews got it wrong...so what else is new?"
Hasn't this come up in the past? Did they print the wrong date?
The actual date for the passover is more about how it fits in the lunar calendar than the desk calendar anyway, isn't it? I thought that the memorial meal has always been celebrated according to the moon more than the calendar day-or was that just the traditional way the Jews remembered it? Do they go by the moon or the calendar now?(Jews)
Actually there is quite a gap between what Christians will be celebrating and Jews. Passover begins at sundown on APRIL 19 of this year and Christians will be celebrating Good Friday on MARCH 21 and Easter Sunday on MARCH 23. The WTS has the Jewish Passover staring on sundown of MARCH 22. So I think more than a day off is involved here.
There has to be additional days added to make up for the lost 4.25 Days every year. If not, then Nissan 14th would occur in June and July for a period roughly every century.
They have never, ever gotten the date right as far back as I can remember....
They will cite Rabbi Shickerer from the Compton Yeshiva Talmud (1896 Edition) before Rabbi Shickerer was committed to the State Hospital for the criminally insane. No mention of his internment. Just a citation to justify lunar and Gregorian dates when leap years occur in either calendar.
The WT has always relied on their own internal calculation of "Nisan 14", to wit, "the date when the next full moon after the new moon closest to the spring equinox is first visible in Jerusalem".
Bingo.............they don't go by the modern Jewish calendar............