Whats the weirdest case that was handled in your congro??

by karter 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • karter

    We had one were a guy screwed his dog.

    A guy got his step daughter pregnant and ran off with her, his wife committed sue-aside , in our country you can't marry your step children if you are the course of the brake up however apparently its not against scriptural law so the congregation gave them a marriage.

    We had 4 sisters pregnant in the congro (all married) this bro of questionable mental health confessed to the elders to being father of them all.

  • 5go
    We had 4 sisters pregnant in the congro (all married) this bro of questionable mental health confessed to the elders to being father of them all.

    That begs the question, was he?

  • 5go

    OK my former girlfriend's sister was a huge flirt she had several Brothers thinking she was going to marry them. Till one day an elderette did something she thought unbecoming, and reported it. The sister (my ex's sister) was reproved and removed as a pioneer. Two weeks late she is disfellowshipped for marrying a worldly guy at work to spite the elders.

  • oneairhead

    An elder at one of the local congos was at a jdub party. At the venue there was a pool and he was actively participating in throwing persons

    into the pool. When he himself was turned on and thrown into the pool he started a witch hunt at that very party taking names and getting

    statments from folks, writing all of this down. After which he tried to start some committee meetings, never went anywhere but he kept

    pressing it. I think he was df'ed for something else later. Weird deal.


  • hillbilly

    You guys got me trumped...


  • lawrence

    At one of the congos, we had a brother removed from eldership. A seaon later he starts climbing the ladder/getting privs. Next thing, he's caught in a sting, buying a police prostitute. The Sunday scurry - who will do Ralphie's mic, the magazine counter, next week's hall cleaning duty. Ralphie's wife, a temp pioneer, let Ralphie sit in jail for days. Ralphie gets out, like nothing happened, and blamed it on Brother PO, who "must have set the whole thing up to get even for ....."

  • minimus

    A newly baptized couple with 2 youngsters were df'd after it became known that they never got legally married.

    An elder was fooling around with a Bible student that he and his wife were studying with, The husband of the wife came in on a Sunday morning, screamed at the elder who was conducting the Watchtower, "I WANNA TALK TO YOU!!!!" The elder responded: "Not now". The man grew extremely agitated and screamed, "YOU'RE FUC*ING MY WIFE AND I WANNA TALK TO YOU NOWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!". Then he went to the podium, knocked down the lecturn and tried to hit the elder. Yours truly was reading the WT. and I grabbed him and held him for what seemed to be an eternity and then an ex-professional heavyweight boxer who had just gotten baptized, got onto the platform, took the man outside and the police came and arrested him.

    Shortly thereafter, the elder was deleted, his wife left him, he was publicly reproved and I was shortly thereafter appointed an elder.

  • nomoreguilt

    Which one?

    The 35 year old MS has an affair with the live in 18 year old nanny? DF'd

    The couple that gets invloved with another bro from another cong. that gives them High Colonics. She runs off with the guy for 4 days. She get's df'd

    Brother marries a nice jw gal. She turns lesbo. gets DF'd

    Elder with 3 handsome young boys, pilar of the cong. Runs off with wordly woman, he deserts his family. gets DF'd.

    Elder, Wt conductor, 3 sweet children. he beats his wife up, she leaves him, takes the kids out of state. Had been abusing his wife for years. Playing kissy face with other sisters for years. he DIDN"T get DF'd.

    And the hits just keep on coming, don't they?

    I could write a book on all of this crap. I refer you to my very first post for the kicker.


  • faundy

    One MS in my old hall rang up the PO and said "My wife is leaving me, come round asap!"

    So the elder went round, and there was another elder already there in his car.

    "Glad you're here, D!" he said. "G is leaving her husband, wait there and I'll see what we can do."

    Then the wife got in the elder's car and drove off- they were eloping together.

    I was sorry I missed that one.

  • 5go
    Brother marries a nice jw gal. She turns lesbo. gets DF'd

    Happened to a friend though she went bi and came back to him pregnant. Though it might of been his kid. They are still together several years later. I haven't seen the daughter yet to say for sure it is or isn't his. I personlly don't want to be around most of my witness friends to much, do to the fact I am trying to leave the JW's for good.


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