I swear this is all true.
This is all tied in together, so bear with me. You all have heard me speak on my best friend, Linda L. I'm still looking for her. Anyway, her older sister, Sandy, ran off with Brother Ridley, who was married. Bro and Sis Ridley had a severely handicapped son together. I used to push him around the KH in his wheelchair. Sis Ridley was devastated.
In the meantime, my other friend, Sister Peggy, was having problems with her MS husband. She confided to me that they had been practicing oral sex a lot, and that now he wanted to stop. He'd gone to the brothers to confess. Peggy was angry. She thought it was ok. They had several meetings, and all of a sudden, Peggy's husband wants a divorce. I sat with her many nights when she was crying her eyes out. (They had two children together)
It's so confusing trying to keep all the rules for divorce straight. What are grounds, and what aren't grounds.....blah, blah, blah. All I know is that when I came back from vacation to see Peggy.........she was divorced from Fred, and about to be disfellowshipped. Sister Ridley and Fred were engaged to be married (they did marry in the following months) and no one ever heard from Larry and the young sis again.
Well, it was just a little Peyton Place and they're all Jehovah's Witness hypocrites.