As most of you know, on Dec 22 I sent my letter of DA to a local elder. In my same town. About a mile away.
Well...I got a phone call today from a very sweet sister, who, if I had stayed, I could have become good friends with. She wanted to plan a play date with her, myself and another family for tomorrow after service. So took a nap and forgot about it. Just a few minutes ago, she called back. I said that I guess they haven't announced it, but I DA'd myself. She was shocked. They haven't announced anything! There have been 2 Thursday night meetings since I sent it. She started crying and said if I ever want to come back to call her. I reiterated that my decision had nothing to do with anyone in the hall, for the most part they had been great. Of course she asked why. I said the same thing I told the elder who called. It was private between Jehovah and my family and I.
How weird is it they haven't announced it? I do feel bad about her finding out that way. I guess I wanted someone else to tell all of them, not me personally. I hate thinking I've hurt anyone. She really is a genuinely nice person who always tried to include us and make us feel welcome. She is the example of finding good people in every hall.
Now I am going to drink and smoke till I can't feel feelings anymore. Just kidding. Kind of.