I have gone thru phases with this. I sometimes have forced Jw's who shun me to speak, or be embarrassed if they don't. Then I let up on that as the hurting lessened over time. Now, I sometimes find that I just don't wish to even acknowledge those people, and sometimes I actually shun them.
Part of it is that I know I would not have anything to speak to them about - and that they wouldn't speak anyway. But also, I am finding that I just wouldn't want to speak with them - they are hateful, spiteful, little people with big egos and a bigger opinion of themselves. I just am beginning to find that I don't want anything to do with the people who call themselves Jehovah's Witnesses any longer.
I find it strange to say that - those people were my life for the first 48 years of my life. I guess I am healing. Sometimes I miss certain ones - but as time goes on, I don't even think of those people often - Amen.
Is your experience similar. Is the old tonic 'Time heals all wounds', what is happening here?