I try to, but mostly so they will have a more difficult time trying to recapture me with specious arguments that cannot be won. The more I shun them, the harder a time they are going to have getting me to walk into a Kingdumb Hell or go back out in field circus. Besides, they succeeded in getting it down to space fillers only in my life, so there is absolutely no reason to even look at the witlesses.
Do you shun Jw's now?
by AK - Jeff 31 Replies latest jw experiences
I don't shun JW's, but I openly express my disapproval of them when opportunity presents itself. I try to be nice about it, but JW's hardly ever admit to misgivings about their Org, no matter how blatant the failings of their Org.
No. I've had lots of interaction with JW's, some family some not.
On my job I work in a large department store in the men's department and several times JW's have come in to buy dress clothes for talks or assemblies. You can spot them a mile away and the language is so familiar . I have many times helped them pick out the right size shirt, pants and the right color tie and gladly take their money! It wasn't that long ago I was doing the same thing shopping for my boys and hubby getting ready for an assembly or whatever, sigh.
I think it's always good to be nice and cordial to people regardless of whom they are, if they want to shun me that's their problem not mine and not the way I want to be.
I haven't changed.
I'm just as friendly towards them as I was when brainwashed and trapped in their cult with them.
On the other hand, they have changed a lot in the way they treat me.
I miss some, a few still call and talk to me once in awhile. But the calls and visits are getting fewer and fewer as time goes on. With the exception of a very small handful, I don't make the effort to call most of them anymore. I was always the one calling them...oh, they were always glad to hear from me....so they said......but I started to get the idea that maybe not so much....and this was while I was still an elder......if they were so glad to hear from me and/or see me, then why didn't they make more of an effort to see/hear from me?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Snakes ()
wha happened?
When I bump into JW's I don't know, I say hi and move on. (They are strangers). The ones I do know I am polite to still get a hi and some conversation. Most still say hi. Rarely do I get ignored
I like this topic.
To be perfectly honest, as I started to get older I was really disgusted by the fact that most of the teenagers and young adults in the KH were pretentious snobs or weird or into this silly cliques or to be perfectly honest sexual deviants. In all honesty, because of all the upper level elders and PO in my family as I was growing up I was privy to all kinds of information because they liked to talk. I knew a lot about these seemingly nice innocent youngsters and even the adults, heck a well known regular pioneer woman and my father had an affair for years until they were caught - both are still back in the "truth". I digress.
To answer the question, one of the very first things I did, which took a few years was to completely deprogram myself from the ideology of the JWs. I refused to think in their lingo, refused to believe and live in titles. I talked to people because I liked them, because I saw good things in them, not because of their supposedly titled righteousness. Now that I am no longer a JW, some talk to me, some don't. Just like when I was in the religion, sometimes I would find out someone I worked with or was talking to was actually Disfellowshipped and I never stopped talking to that person because I liked who they were. Secondly, there was a large portion of people in the KH who were so phony, such gossiping, liars and nosey, and overbearing, I didn't talk to most of them, only my family.
Now, you would be very surprised how many will talk to me when I am out walking and they see me and no one else is around. On the other hand and there are a few people in my own family (about two or three zealots) who if I was standing in front of them right now, would not even greet me, but you know what, that's their cross to bear, not mine. So to answer the question, I don't go out of my way to have regular discourse with mind controlled cult members beyond a cordial greeting, however, if I see someone and they greet me friendly JW or not, then I give them the same courtesy and that is normally about it. Family members I still love dearly, and a few family friends I have known since birth will still talk to me and hug me and love me no matter, we just don't discuss JW ideology.
It all depends on who it is I see. Most of the time I will say hello and on many occassions I have received a warm response in return.
One time I did ignore some JWs and I still haven't heard the end of it. I pretended not to hear them call my name as I went past in a busy shop. One was a relative who told another relative and it got back to me. Sheesh -- didn't know they wanted to talk to me THAT bad.
I will shun or ignore certain elders when I come in to contact with them.
Mostly, it depends on what mood I am in when I come across a dub.
I totally shun them, after all they taught my own children to shun me. I want nothing to do with them.
I won't force myself on anyone, JW or not. I rarely see any JWs I knew. I didn't like most of them even when I was one, so I can't see myself walking 2 or 3 steps out of my way to say hello to any of them. If they want to say hello they can come to me and I'll be civil as long as they are.