Nope. Don't shun them. I'm very friendly and give hugs if I feel like it. They might be shunning me but I don't notice if they are hiding behind the nut section at the store. (There are some I wouldn't give the time of day to, there are some I would like to give um back what they gave but I wouldn't waste my time looking for them).
Do you shun Jw's now?
by AK - Jeff 31 Replies latest jw experiences
I won't shun anyone - its a form of psychological torture and I'm better than that I hope. Thats what we have left behind surely?
We had a pleasant surprise yesterday to bump into a JW and he spent 5 minutes talking to us - he knows full well we are DF'd (and certainly what for) yet he was more than civil, he was friendly. He didn't seem at all embarrassed, not a deer in the headlights, just an old friend chatting about stuff.
For me that means he is not under full mind control, and therefore an excellent prospect for an anti-Witness, although we never mentioned anything like that.
So, no, I won't be shunning anybody - my aim is to win the war, not the little skirmishes. -
Yes I do, depending on my mood.
I just cannot stand the way they think or their phony conversation. I won't go out of my way to say hello if I see them in a store or elsewhere.
No. I will not stoop to their level of rudeness and judgementalism.
I always say hello to any witnesses I bump into. If they give me the "cold shoulder," shame on them.
lol. YES!!! I am no longer speaking to myself!!
I'm neither DA'd nor DF'd at this point, so I still have witnesses come up and talk to me at stores or call me sometimes. It's all very awkward. Actually, my boss is a JW, also awkward sometimes, but we just don't talk about why I left. I find it to be a daily roller coaster of emotion on how to respond when I see a witness. Sometimes they call, sometimes I don't answer or call back. Other times, I'll answer and talk to them but it always ends up awkward, "Oh, we miss you!". As a person, I miss them too, no doubt. It's not me who left the truth, though. Just because a whole organization deviates from what truth they did have certainly doesn't obligate me to follow the lemmings. I've also over-sensitive to people's opinions/sentiments, which resulted in listening closer in the ministry(+), and also not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings by leaving the org(-). That kept me in longer than I ought to have been. I'll get into ruts sometimes of avoiding witnesses when I see them(because of being overly sensitive to their negativity over me leaving). But yesterday it finally hit me (again actually, seems like a bi-weekly epiphany) that I owe them nothing. I would be a JW if they had the truth. The fact that they do not means they failed me, and so when I remember that, and the valid doctrinal reasons why I left, I can lift my head and speak with confidence. I know who my mediator, Lord and Saviour is, and I cannot deny him in order to appease others. So whether or not I shun JW's on any particular day changes. Yesterday, I waved at a guy who was DF'ed a few years ago. He didn't wave back(he didn't know I left). How ironic.
Greetings AK- Jeff
A resounding YES. I do and, will continue to use, watchtowers sick perverted teachings right back at them. Living in a small town, the chances of running in to my "former love buddies" are many. Consequently they've been shunned by me. Not that it makes one bit of difference to those drones. If the situation arises where I have to embarrass them because of their bad watchtower behavior then I will. Example: In a general store the other day, one of the drones works there. If she were to attempt to cash me out at the register, I was going to tell the owner of the general store that she cannot wait on me due to her religious convictions and that she considers me a walking dead man. I'm not sure what would have happened, but I will be willing to try. They are not nice people once they consider you an outsider. So they need to buck up for some harassment from me. If they don't like it they can apologize for the sick, perverted bad behavior they believe in. If not they can all go straight to hell, and/or kiss my ass.
That's my attitude as it stands now
even before we ever were involved in "the great dub debacle" my hub used to say " kill 'em with kindness... it'll make 'em crazy!" ( specifically about a nuisance neighbour)
depending on my mood, i will at the very least make a cursory greeting.... a "drive by tooting" if in the vehicle, or a quick "hey!! how are ya? nice to see you!" as i hurry by ( sad fact of the matter is i am forgetting names)... it comes down to who is playing whose game...... so i make 'em play mine..... by demonstrating that even tho i am "inactive", i am still caring, still ebullient and still busy.... just not on a hamster wheel in constant motion and getting nowhere
there are still a few i actually cared for and enjoy a social encounter with......
HAHA... what an awesome question - actually - I make them squirm like hades.... When I see one that I used to know (this is especially nice for the ones that were in my book study) - I go up to them, smile as big as I can, give them the most obnoxious hug that I can muster and really make over how long it has been since we "hung out"... It makes them extremely uncomfortable and also makes it next to impossible for them to be rude. I saw an old JW friend at a resuraunt last week and not only did I give him a huge hug - I even told him that he shouldn't be a stranger. It is SOOO much fun embracing my freedom from them.
When you leave the BORG, you should always remember - THEY ARE THE MINORITY - MAKE THEM FEEL STRANGE ABOUT SEEING YOU - NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND... words to live by folks....
AK - Jeff
I started this thread because I seem to be in a 'vacillating phase' with this issue. I sometimes adopt each of the last three posters' position on them [Dismembered, chickpea, and Bilzfan], and almost everything in between.
I have lost my zeal for embarrassing them for the most part now. I don't think it works too well with the Jw's here. I have noticed that when I was doing that though, that I marked my territory. Most of 'em wouldn't come into [and still don't] places that I might be frequently.
I don't openly hug them - they are usually running the other way too fast for that - but it isn't a bad plan. Kill 'em with kindness is a good motto. If nothing else it will let them see that the love they have is very conditional.
Certain ones - especially the elders who decided to sharpen the guillotine with my neck in mind, I do actually shun at times. They are hateful, and I shun them due to the conduct and lovelessness they have shown personally for me, rather than out of principle. Well perhaps that is out of principle - just not out of doctrine. Well, you know what I mean?
One thing for sure - I no longer miss them. Any of them. I am a little more lonely than I was a Jw, but a hell of a lot happier. Good trade off.
Hi Dismembered - haven't seen you here too much lately.