I'm a Pioneer Married To a Wonderful Brother Reaching Out to be an MS...

by cognac 216 Replies latest jw experiences

  • justhuman

    The point is in the WT's Orwellian world, there is NO love. I will tell you my story to see what I mean.

    Like your husband I was MS and I quite just before to be appointed as an elder, when I realize that I was in a cult. I was also pioneer for many years. Then I went to the "fading out process".

    My wife started to ask questions why did I quit the "truth". When I explain to her that I no longer have faith in the WT and show her the reasons she turned me in for apostasy. I managed to escape disfellowshiping 7 years ago. But last year, she found one email I have send to an ex-jw, and again she turned me in for apostasy. This is was my last time I ever entered a kindom hall, when I walked from the judical comitee. After a few months of intense fighting with my wife, and verbal abuse by the "faithfull witness" I left home and with a great pain I had to leave my 2 kids with her. At the moment of course.

    Can your husband love you unconditional? If he can that is good. But if he loves the "Organization" more than you then there is no hope. You will end up like many of us in this forum who have been separated or divorce.

    I'm just telling you the naked true on this matter...

  • AnnOMaly

    Hi cognac.

    I'll keep this short and sweet (I guess you already have information overload), but to answer your question a few pages back about why 1914 is so important: simply, it's the basis for the Society's/GB's claim to authority. No 1914, therefore no 1918 inspection by Jesus, therefore no 1919 appointment over all earthly belongings, therefore no special, divinely-given authority.

  • LayingLow

    Hello Cognac, I just wanted to say that I know what you're going through. It is very possible to come out of this with a much broader understanding of truth and a richer spiritual life. The good news the Apostles taught is much more grand than the good news you've heard. (Gal 1:8) I thought that was a nice point for Matt 24:14, it does matter what good news is being preached. Is the good news being preached today by Jehovah's Witnesses the same as the good news in 1925? or 1890? Remember Jude 3, 'the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints.' I suppose the most important question is this, "Is the good news preached by Jehovah's Witnesses today the same as the good news preached in the first century A.D.?" I hope you continue to diligently search and continue to find answers that you will find even more satisfying than the answers you though you had.

  • eddie c
    eddie c

    Hi Cognac,

    I have just read through all of this thread and cant add to the good advice that has been given. My wife and i left the Watchtower over 25 years ago. I remember an occasion when we were sat by the fire and coming to terms with the fact that we did not have more than a few friends in the whole world. This was the price of leaving the Watchtower.

    At the time it was a lonely place to be and we had no idea of what lay ahead,we felt like aliens and the world seemed a fearful place. As time passed by we slowly got to meet a few people who had walked where we were now going, and they were a great help to us. We found that there is life after the Watchtower and in our case we have also found faith in Jesus.

    Back then there was no Inter-Net. Now i look at a thread like this and marvel at the help that is available. You have started a new journey and i wish you all the best as you travel along. It may at times be a bumpy ride but i think you will find it worthwhile and you will not be alone.



  • cognac

    Hi everyone ~ thanks for all your support!

    To answer a few questions... I didn't become a pioneer for my husband to become a pioneer. I never really liked the idea of him becoming an MS to begin with, but I told him I could deal with that as long as he didn't become an elder... (This was before I even had doubts...) I just dealt with elders all of my life and they a lot of them reminded me of the 1st century scribes and pharissees. I felt like the 1st century elders were appointed by jeh and jesus didn't seem to thrilled with them, so just because your an elder now doesn't mean you will be accepted either. I felt like I didn't want to be married to a person who was supposed to judge the cong given what the bible has to say about judging... I just never felt really comfortable about it...

    We were supposed to be a pioneer couple. Since the elders didn't approve us, he decided there was no way that he would pioneer then. He was really mad at them because of the way they spoke to him. He is a very gentle person and I had never seen him this mad. He then told the elder off. Wow, we were both mad for weeks. I got other elders involved and everything... Anyways, I tried to convince him to change his mind and pioneer with me but this was a done deal for him... I couldn't convince him to pioneer and he didn't want me pressuring him. So, I stopped. Honestly, he barely even goes out in service now...

  • momzcrazy

    Sounds like what amounted to the beginning of the end for my husband. He was a servant and we moved an hour away. The old BOE didn't recommend him to be a servant in the new hall, because we had missed some meetings moving in. He was mortified. Then we moved to TN and we were treated badly by our hall here. He got called to a JC for smoking and put on private reproof. He has only got to a handful of Memorials since then. Sounds to me like you guys could do a pretty successful fade. You may have to take some flack for having bugged them to approve your pioneering, but in the big picture, that's not so bad.


  • Gringa


    We just had a thread recently about something you brought up. Wishing your non-believing friends and relatives would die so they could be on paradise earth with you.

    Once your eyes are opened you will see how this "loving" gesture is so very sad. JWs are forced to ignor important people in their lives and not enjoy all the riches they can bring us.They destroy familes, they do not bring them together.

    I truly do not think a loving God intended it to be that way.

    just a simple look at something such as this, without getting too involved in all of the changing doctorines, new light and hypocritical polices, will go a long way in determining if you are on the right path right now.

    I do think it is possible that your husband also has doubts. Perhaps he is too afraid of losing you and the family to express himself. Time will tell on this, but I sincerely wish all the best for the both of you. I am glad you have stuck around.


  • Aleman

    Dear Cognac,

    I need to warn you that many in this forum have off the wall belief systems that the Holy Bible warns not to have. I am one of many questioning and testing their belief systems, like a soldier examins battle intel before the war. I have an answer to your questions and they are scientific truths more so than biblical truths. If you still want to have answers to your questions, send me a message and I will send one to you with the answers you are looking for.

    There is one thing you have to realize about leaving the organisation, It is the only one with truth in it's core. You will not find any other religion that has that in it's core. We live in a very sinnful world where people will try to swade you in one or another direction, don't alow this to happen. Look it up and find the information in the libraries, internet, or other well recognized media of information.

    I am very glad you are in the position you are and I hope you don't leave the truth or the faithful because of selfish reasons or unanswered questions. Find happiness and don't look for an excuse to leave the only perfect and holy thing existing in this word, and that is Jehovah God the almighty.

    I have answers, send me a message.


  • BFD

    Hi cognac. Welcome.

    Aleman are you saying that if she leaves the WTBTS that she is leaving Jehovah?


  • ButtLight

    Hello, just wanted to welcome you here. Seems like you have alot of info to read up on already! Just keep an open mind, and do your research. You will see the "truth" soon enough!

    You dont need organized religion to believe in Jehovah, he knows if you've been stumbled, and he knows whats in your heart!

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