yeah you can tell they are HURTING........... and that bulls*** 3% they claimed this year........ they KNOW that if they cant get EVERYONE to come back to their cult meetings they wont be able to do anything to fake that number next year.
what i find funny is i came from a congregation that when they were told they should be conducting sheparding calls made it a MONTHLY thing. the first sunday of every month they didnt send any brothers out to give talks......... and they had a local speaker....... and that evening they set up sheparding calls on a bookstudy by bookstudy basis........... so the bookstudy that meets and billy bobs house is the one we will target this week........... and it was the same study that cleaned the kingdum hell that month so it was easy to remember who was getting a call.
so the flock baked bribes lol and all the elders and ms met at 6 or 7 and went out to a publishers house or two depending upon time........... no real spiritual program to share just fellowship and trying to help them if they came forward with any issues. they always went to those with the weakest meeting attendance or those who were undergoing obvious they could be the most help.
now... can any of you top this in a congregation? im gonna bet money you cant...... problem is this was EVERY month and it lasted probably 5 to 10 years......... so it was an expected standard........ then they got some new yokel co moron jackass................ he said the elders were to make sheparding calls ACCORDING TO NEED and were NOT to make it a monthly thing.
so this dumb co put an end to a program that could have in fact KEPT an entire congregation (less than 100 publishers) brainwashed and attending. after they were forced to END the montly sheparding calls........... sheparding calls pretty much ENDED unless you were all but out and nothing they said would matter to you.
thats a victory in my books, but i will admit it does show that some congregations stand out as way more loving that the norm.