"I've been blessed"

by changeling 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaguarbass

    To me this is one the most nauseating sayings. I hear it all the time.

    How are you? "I'm sooo blessed, I got over that awful cold I had last week".

    How are your kids? "They are the greatest kids ever, I'm soooo blessed".

    How's your job? "Oh, that terrible boss I was telling you about quit and the new one is a dear, I'm sooo blessed".

    Well good grief, what did you do to merit all this blessing? And what about the guy over there with terminal cancer, or your neighbor with the crack head kids, or all the people living in barely human conditions all around the planet, where are there blessings??????

    I realize that when people say: "I've been blessed", they are giving credit to their god for their good fortune. But honestly, isn't it just a little bit pretentious to say that god chose you to shine his blessings upon, when some many others are suffering?

    Personally, I've had good things and bad things happen to me. Some of these I've generated or brought on myself. Others have been caused by outside factors. Some were just "serendipity". I don't believe for a moment that unseen forces are manuvering things in my life, and I don't think they are doing so for any one else.

    I can totally understand and relate to your post. I probably could make the same post.

    But to look at the other side of the coin. I would rather be around a greatful optomistic person than one who verbalizes the realities of life.

    Life sucks and then you die. I dont need to hear that anymore than all the times it goes through my mind everyday. And if you verbalize that reality, you will probalby end up in a deep dark hole with no one wanting to be around you.

    In recovering from being a JW I think its very imortant to find optomism, happiness and good in life.

    My first 10 years out of the tower, I did a lot of self help therapy I was so misserable. Every morning I would count all my blessings until my blessing list got so long I stopped.

    But If I didnt count my blessings, I could think about all the negatives and not want to get out of bed.

    I think I should start again, counting my blessings, just to stay positive.

    I spent some time at AA the first 10 years out of the tower. Because it is cheap therapy and it works. At AA they will listen for free or 1dollar a meeting.

    If you go to a shrink they will listen for 3 to four hundred dollars an hour. And you get the stigma attached to your work record, credibility and ability to purchase reasonalbe health insurance for the rest of your life.

    Employers are hesitant to hire anyone with mental health issues, the kind the Wactower society breeds and cultivates. And insurance companies share information. When ever you get treated by a doctor or buy insurance you sign a way your right to privacy regarding your health record and status.

    I work in a very social political atmosphere and it's expected to be positive. Management will be on us if our shoes are not spit shined thats the first sign of mental deteriation in the military or paramilitary of law enforcement.

    Many of us in law enforcement in Florida, when asked how are you? reply another day in paradise.

    It's expected that we smile and be positive.

    You catch more flys with sugar than vinegar.

    And thats kind of what your doing when you are out amongst others your trying to collect the flys of energy- money and good will from others so you can take them home digest them and live off them.


    jaguarbass - you have a pm.

  • PEC

    Bless you, changeling.


  • changeling

    Right back atcha Pec!


  • journey-on

    Even if you don't like the expression, this is a very touching and beautiful song by a very beautiful woman:


    I love this video.

  • KenseiShimonzu

    @Tall Penguin

    I do love proverbs from various cultures,the Taoist,and Latin being among my favorites,excellent quote Tall Penguin

    It's funny how people talk about how they're"blessed"because of this or that...They used to hate when i asked the question:"If you say...found money lying on th ground,and you picked it up,you would say that was a blessing would you not?"

    They say:"Well yes...yes i would..no doubt!"

    Then i say:"Well..if Jehovah "blessed"you with that,then i guess that means he had to curse the person who lost it correct? The person who lost the money,may be in dire straits now because they REALLY needed that money....but you have fun with your "blessing".."God" robbed them,to add to your surplus according to your logic"

    They usually get angry at that point and try and figure out a way where they'd be right..which will never happen,because it's inherently rhetorical and that's the main reason i asked it, because i know it has no answer that doesn't involve them being wrong,which they will never admit,lmao.-KS

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