In another 10 Years, will there be anybody left in the WT?

by sisowuzzy 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • sisowuzzy

    New poster here. In the Borg for 30+ years. Out and free about 10, inactive, not DF'd. Amazingly, I have a small cadre of JW friends who still talk to me, even though they know I'm inactive. Each time we're together, I'm struck by how critical they are of the organization, its elder bodies, and of the general tactics of the rank and file members who are busy plucking the specks from the eyes of others while ignoring their own rafters. Every one of them has been betrayed, disappointed, left dangling by their elder bodies, yet the general consensus is that as long as they keep going to meetings, they've a chance at "survival." It strikes me that with the advent of the Internet, nearly every young JW has access to far more information than in the past - they're all watching R-rated movies, exposed to far more liberal attitudes in school, etc. - surely the old guard will eventually die out. Who'll be left to carry on the hard line, convoluted behavior-Nazi regime?

    Hope this post comes through. I'm clueless about the best formatting, etc.

    Sisowuzzy (Sister of Wasasister)

  • steve2

    Welcome Sisowuzzy! You've made some interesting observations about the dual lives that witnesses often lead: Doing one thing when on "display" but moaning and groaning when they're "relaxing" away from it all. I think there's no chance soon of the WT fading away. Look at the all the crazy end-times religions who've outlasted all their failed prophecies. The large Adventist movement sprang from the 1844 "Disappointment". Because religion operates primarily at the emotional level, but often claims to be based on reason, all manner of disproof and discontent will not stop people from clinging to it. A little bit like, Better the Devil you know...

  • steve2

    Welcome Sisowuzzy! You've made some interesting observations about the dual lives that witnesses often lead: Doing one thing when on "display" but moaning and groaning when they're "relaxing" away from it all. I think there's no chance soon of the WT fading away. Look at the all the crazy end-times religions who've outlasted all their failed prophecies. The large Adventist movement sprang from the 1844 "Disappointment". Because religion operates primarily at the emotional level, but often claims to be based on reason, all manner of disproof and discontent will not stop people from clinging to it. A little bit like, Better the Devil you know...

  • GermanXJW

    Hi and welcome!

    Each time we're together, I'm struck by how critical they are of the organization, its elder bodies, and of the general tactics of the rank and file members who are busy plucking the specks from the eyes of others while ignoring their own rafters.

    I noticed this, too, as long I was somehow considered 'in'. But when I was 'out' they started to play theater to me, too. They are critical as long they do not really consider you an enemy. If do, they start showing you 'the best people on earth'.

    Who'll be left to carry on the hard line, convoluted behavior-Nazi regime?

    The WTS has already started to breed their new hard-liners in the school for unmarries servants (have forgotten the name).

    In 10 years, there will still be people who want a strict religion and that do not know or care about the past.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    The WTS has already started to breed their new hard-liners in the school for unmarries servants (have forgotten the name).

    you mean that joke MTS (Ministerial Training School)...mostly those are young bucks going through it...the younger generation going through it (age 23-30) wont be as hard nose...those older than 30 who graduate from it......well, you may be right..I have one on my a$$ right now to get back to the meetings. I made sure he got back on his side of the line...

    As for will there be anyone long as there is freedom of religion, and no crack down on cults...yes, there will always be a may evolve....or devolve...but it will always be there...and it will likely be as hardline as ever.... as long as the practice of shunning is the official Borg policy.... they know that is the key to controlling people... fear of being cut off from JW family and friends... if the WTS ever disposed of that out...then the numbers will drop like a rock....

    never happen.

    Snakes ()

  • changeling


    To answer your question: In 10 years my parents will be 94. I have not doubt that they will be alive and kicking as active, loyal witnesses.


  • 5go

    I am pretty sure in 1979 many brother were saying the same thing.

  • sisowuzzy

    Thank you for the nice welcome. To perhaps clarify my thoughts a bit, I am sure there will be Dubs, but I wonder if the rabid hard-line can be sustained. The vast majority of Witnesses now are not part of the old guard. Surely the torturous twistings of WT "logic" is confusing to younger members. When I was in, I was ALL in. I really studied that stuff and was considered sort of a congregation Bible authority (shudder) by the bros. But I was alone in this amongst my age group. Certainly everyone bought the party line - no Xmas or birthdays, no blood, don't have sex before marriage, etc., but as far as making any effort to grasp the deeper stuff...nah, not so much. Most could parrot back the 3 or 4 oft-repeated Scriptures in the Ministry School, most could use the reference books to compose some pat replies if anyone listened at the door long enough to ask a question, but no one in my generation, as a rule, spent much time digging and doing research. Today, the Witnesses I still know are going to meetings out of habit, out of fear, out of a need for social acceptance, since they've rejected any association with the rest of the world. Without an engine, it's hard for me to imagine how this rickety bus can maintain momentum for any sustained period of time.

    Meanwhile, I'm such a happy camper to be out. My husband (who was an elder) and I left about the same time as my sister figured out this was garbage. My sis and I never said anything to each other for the longest time, each fearing we'd stumble the other. One night, over a bottle of merlot in the hot tub, we gingerly probed the subject, and rejoiced to realize we were both on the road to freedom! Never looked back. I'm now amazed at the wide circle of good friends we've acquired, people who are genuine, generous, and non-judgmental.

    One of my old friends, who's still "IN" is a closet drinker, is seeing a therapist, goes to maybe three or four meetings a year (but is still in good standing because she still goes), and has, through a new job, developed some friendships with "worldly people." I'm sworn to secrecy about her clandestine buddyships outside the Borg, but I think it's great. I have high hopes that she'll make her escape one of these days. As Queen would say, "Another one bites the dust.."

    Thanks for several years of encouraging stories and interesting research. Visiting this board, albeit silently, was a great help to me in the early escape days!

    Sisowuzzy (Wasasister's Sister)

  • LouBelle

    Welcome to the board:

    as far as making any effort to grasp the deeper stuff....

    Yeah I agree with you - very few made an effort to study the actual literature in depth - and personal study was encouraged but hardly practised - I guess that is how I actually was set free, I did a lot of personal study and had greek/hebrew bibles and things didn't add up when I compared a few texts and that got the ball rolling.

    If more Jdubs did personal study I reckon more would leave. But they've got to want to do it - and that's the hard part.

  • oompa

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