There will always be a hardcore in any religion that will carry it on when all others have left.
Someone will always be attracted to it.
Look at the old Bible Students who still follow Russels teachings.
by sisowuzzy 24 Replies latest jw friends
There will always be a hardcore in any religion that will carry it on when all others have left.
Someone will always be attracted to it.
Look at the old Bible Students who still follow Russels teachings.
In her book, "Visions of Glory," Barbara Harrison wrote that most doomsday cults don't survive more than about two failed predictions. The WTS has survived many more than that, so yeah, there will still be at least a few who won't let go.
Not if I have my way
Maddie writes:
Not if I have my way
LOL - I know what you mean! Because I have family still in the Borg, and as I mentioned a handful of dub friends who amazingly still associate with me, I have to try to stay under the apostate-hunters' radar screen, but I never miss a trick to plant a little seed here and there among them. Among the most self-revealing things that have happened to me since my Great Escape are my attempts to explain to my new friends what the dubs believe. They are flabbergasted as I search for the vocabulary to explain the repressive, intrusive, inbred control exercised over the lives of the "flock" by the elder body and nosy bros/sis. When I try to provide the backdrop for some of the doctrinal beliefs, they stare at me like I'm speaking a foreign language. I suppose, to some degree, I am. I'm far more surprised than they are. What was I THINKING??? WTF?
They know that I own three businesses, and consider me to be a logical and sensible person. That I would have submitted to the iron-clad rule of a group of close-minded, occasionally misogynistic men--people with no training, many with no education, all with their own agendas--is beyond their ability to grasp. Not by nature a vindictive person, I still find myself giving a silent "YES!" when I read of successful lawsuits against the WTS, or of someone leaving the organization. I keep hoping that as the information continues to be readily available, the money is drying up, and the social attitude about all-controlling religion begins to turn, the dubs will at least lose the stranglehold they have. They might survive, but I can't imagine they'll have the showing they have in the past.
Even so, I'm still paranoid. For example, I boldly put up a Christmas tree in 2006. Oh yeah, the girl's struttin' her stuff, yo! Every drop of creative juice was flowing as I created a masterpiece from the long-suppressed urges to decorate to the nines with every pagan symbol I could get my hands on! That said, I then closed all my drapes so no dub casually driving by would spot my tree and rat me out! When my next-door neighbors realized that I was harboring a "closet tree," they were completely baffled. They're still giving me gas about it. I'm sure it's one of the many reason so many ex-dubs find comfort here. Who else on earth could understand the warped, convoluted thinking that we once embraced?
Anyhow, this long-time lurker feels very liberated just to express my thoughts in this community, after several years of watching from the sidelines.
I think there will be some. The organization will consist of those who are controlling others (about 20%), and those that are trapped in but cannot leave (80%). Those who are trapped will be set up in daily routines that absolutely prevent them from leaving. They will be herded from door to door every day, from 5:30 in the morning to after midnight the following night. Every minute will be controlled by those in charge.
With the "local(??)" needs part I saw the other night, I doubt that is going to be far off. Some have reported a crackdown on missed meetings--book study conductors will hound people if they so much as miss one meeting. That means it cannot be far off from the day when they have to answer to the witlesses at all times, and putting in that disassociation letter or walking out will become impossible. Yet they will be stopped cold from committing a "sin".