In another 10 Years, will there be anybody left in the WT?

by sisowuzzy 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    I'm one of the few who think that in 10 years the Borg will become completely IRRELEVANT and only a shadow of its former self.

    There are a number of reasons for this;

    Firstly, the information age - more people are more exposed to more information - good, bad, ugly, pro, con so minds are bound to be opened.

    Secondly, movies and books like the Da Vinci code blew open to a vast audience the notion that maybe all is not well in what Christianity purports to be...many are perhaps clandestinely reading historical/spiritual books that probe the history of the Bible itself.

    Thirdly, even the world and many of the world's religious leaders seem to be tackling problems that the world is facing and most importantly of all, OTHER RELIGIONS are acknowledging that faith needs to go hand in hand with RESEARCH and HISTORICAL ACCURACY. Many of these mainstream churches are acknowledging the need to address the concerns that their parishioners are having with the flood of knowledge in all areas of inquiry and realize that to stifle anyone's questionings will only harm their institution in the end.

    The Witnesses, of course, continue in their ostrich with its head in the sand mentality and will therefore LOSE a very large proportion of their adherents, I suspect in the NEXT TEN YEARS!!!


    Just my .02 cents...and I know I may be alone in my musings...but thanks for listening!

  • stillajwexelder

    yes the brain dead diehards

  • leftbelow

    I wish it would be different but I feel there will always be some although I am beginning to feel it will be far less in the next 10 years unless there are some major changes

  • leftbelow

    Oh and BTW Welcome

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    I think the profile of the members will change slightly.

    More and more will leave due to the abundance of information available, especially younger ones.

    Faithful, loyal older ones will continue to bury their heads in the sand and forgive the organisation everything, "after all the Israelites were guilty of a lot worse!".

    There will still continue to be many who join during personal crises who think they've discovered the best thing since jam doughnuts.

    I look around at my generation though and see approximately 50% of the people I grew up with have left.

    It will certainly be an interesting time over the next 10 years.

  • VoidEater

    Welcome, sis!

    Sadly, 10 years won't breed out the part of humanity that rejoices in playing in the "control" playground - either to be protected from thought, or to participate in the "top" slots. The new members will have to have a high tolerance for cognitive dissonance, but history shows that's not too hard to live with (or to be in denial about). I think to survive the WTS will become ever more draconian. In 100 years, maybe they'd either be outlawed, go underground, or morph into a neo-Nazi like cult or - who knows? - evolve into some kind of loving brotherhood.

    Time will tell...

  • sisowuzzy

    Void Eater comments: In 100 years, maybe they'd either be outlawed, go underground, or morph into a neo-Nazi like cult or - who knows? - evolve into some kind of loving brotherhood.

    Time will tell...

    I tend to agree. There's no motivation to knuckle under to authority as there once was (my mom used to tell stories of elders parking outside the houses of suspected adulterers, hoping to catch them sneaking out of some hapless sister's house - I can just see them dating their right hands in the front seat of their 48 Fords!), there are far fewer people who are readers anymore - we're too used to the instant sound bites - fewer people feel a reverence for much of anything. Religion has become less mystic and more pragmatic, at least it seems that way to me. There may be a sect known as the dubs, but I just can't imagine them having the same death grip on folks that they've had in times past. One can only hope.

    Anyway, I appreciate your comments, and the warm welcome.


  • journey-on

    I, too, am one of the few that thinks they will be obsolete in a couple of decades unless they morph into a more mainstream religion

    with more social programs and fun things to participate in like a choir, organized field trips, youth groups, etc.

    If the Big A hasn't arrived by 2014, I predict a mass exodus during the following decade.

  • VoidEater

    more social programs and fun things to participate in like a choir, organized field trips, youth groups

    I've heard a couple different reasons why this kind of thing hasn't been carried on in the past - takes time away from preaching work (all work and no play...!), it's the thing that "worldly churches" do and so should be avoided (I hear they do other things in the world, too, like eat, and drive cars, and stuff) Baptist friends seemed to not only keep the youth busy but indoctrinate educate them as well with this kind of thing. Choir, as you said, and AWANIS youth groups, and the like.

    How could they pass this up? Oh, actually might build friendships and community, which would be a (everyone together) distraction from the preaching work...

  • JH

    Welcome Sisowuzzy!

    What you said is entirely true. I was thinking of this myself this morning. "Who will replace these old elders once they pass away?" We have a couple of old elders in my congregation ruling with an iron fist. I don't see how the younger generation will do a similar job keeping everyone in check.

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