There is quite large community of them in this area. The more you get to know them or deal with them the less you like them. What a strange and ugly culture. They would rather make a dime by deceit and thievery than a dollar earned honestly.
Ever encounter gypsies?
by Gregor 53 Replies latest jw experiences
OMG! Now What?
Yeah, I know a "gypsy". She's about 75 years old, JW for 45 and pioneer for 10. She makes her living by shopping at a particular store, buys all sorts of things on sale, then takes them back when they go back to regular price. I don't know how she gets her money back, but she does PLUS THE DIFFERENCE! I approached her a couple of years ago about it and told her she was stealing but she insisted that she wasn't since the store would take the items back and refund the full price. She also insisted that it was the store policy to refund the full amount, even if you bought it on sale. I still think it's shoplifting, except instead of getting merchandise, you're getting cash. I can't wait until she finds out that I'm not one of them anymore, at least I'm honest.
We sold a car to some gypsies about 8 years ago. They did pay, but in cash. Then the woman wanted to buy some of my nutritional products, that I sell, and tried to get me to just give them to her because they were so poor. This, after peeling off 20 one hundred dollar bills. Yeah, really poor. I said "no".
compound complex
When all us kids were pioneering, we had a late-night Bible study with a delightful gypsy couple. I believe they were Romanian. We spent hours with them every week.
I'd love to tell you their names but it could blow my cover!
The more you get to know them or deal with them the less you like them. What a strange and ugly culture. They would rather make a dime by deceit and thievery than a dollar earned honestly.
How is this not a racist comment? I mean sure, it's a CULTURE, not a race but still...
What if I made a similar comment about Jews? Or what if I called the inner-city black culture a "strange and ugly culture" just because a few of it's members shoot people or sell drugs?
Bigotry is ugly, no matter it's target
Ink. What do you know of them? Read about them. It is not a race, although they do have a proclivity to close inbreeding and it is part of their culture to marry off the young girls upon reaching puberty, 12-13 yrs. old. Their religion is to take advantage of honest people. To them it is a sin not to chisel and steal from outsiders.
My comments have nothing to do with bigotry. Your comment has everything to do with ignorance.
Wait a minute, are you a gypsie?
My mom was in the used car auction business for many years and dealt with a lot of dealers that were Rom. Its a very different culture, a very different look at morality and it isn't based on any of our ideals. You can call it a stereotype, but they choose a very different way of living than most Americans (or probably Europeans) can relate to.
Yeah - that is 100% true. I was married to one for years......
How is this not a racist comment? I mean sure, it's a CULTURE, not a race but still...
What if I made a similar comment about Jews? Or what if I called the inner-city black culture a "strange and ugly culture" just because a few of it's members shoot people or sell drugs?
Bigotry is ugly, no matter it's target
Thank you inkling.
This is one of several books written by a gypsy.
Herbal Wisdom for Animals and Humans
Juliette weaves her magic with stories of gypsies, animals and herbs.
Some gypsies have made some beautiful contributions to this world.
There is quite large community of them in this area.
Do people of this particular group identify themselves as "Gypsies", or is it a term imposed on them?