Hey Folks:
I apologize if I am interrupting an amusing tirade, but socialism is a topic of interest and I wanted to post some thoughts. Basically, the original constitution was drafted by individuals who were land owners, some were even slave owners, members of the new american military and government. We all know that it included the freedom to pursue economic success without the hinderance of abusive taxation.
My, how far we have gone since the Boston Tea Party! We have our two party system and the lobbyists that support it with campaign contributions and corrupting influences. Thus, the parties take turns "picking the pockets" of the under classes. Corporations literally control the government, the markets and legislation. Labor no longer has a powerful voice and the unionized syndicate of brotherhood of workers are all but powerless due to internal curruption and organized crime relationships.
So, how does a struggling worker, economically challenged, make a difference? Is a nationwide revolt of the middle-class, the working poor, and the poor necessary to send the message and force a change in how the US government is structured? Who knows? I don't think americans have the stomach for an internal conflict. Although, I personally am in favor of a change in government.
I don't think the dual party system benefits anyone other than politicians, cronies, lobbyists, corporations, foreign investors, and private tycoons. I am in favor of a radical change that would eliminate lobbying and make it illegal, and also eliminate the electoral college and campaign financing. I think the popular vote should choose our officials. I think government should not become a position of privilege and tenure. No senator should serve 30 years. The perks and privileges should be removed.
I also think corporate executives should be dispossessed of bonuses, golden parachutes, and options when a company continues downsizing and reducing salaries. I think overtime should be mandatory for all workers. Executives shoud be limited to one million dollars a year. Athletes should be limited also and celebrities.
In order to create a utopia that equalizes the general population sharing resources and reposnsibilities, greed has to be eliminated. In the US, that will never happen, thus, we may never see a socialist leaning government. We all make fun of democrats, but they are not socialist. Not even close to the ideal, not as stated by Trotsky, Gracian or Marx. I don't think Hillary Clinton would ever give up wealth, personal fortunes for the greater good. The democrats are just as greedy and materialistic as anyone else in politics.
I guess the difference is the democrats use the poor as their shield and the republicans use business as their shield. The end goal is the same. We pay the price for both. We need a new form of government soon, or we collapse like ancient rome. Christianity ruined rome and it is ruining our country too.
I wish a westernized, balanced form of socialism could be drafted and deployed to the public. But, just another day dream.