Why socialism will not work in America...

by zeroday 254 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaguarbass

    The days of spending only the money we have are long gone. The Bush Dingbats spent more money than we can count or repay on an unnecessary war.

    Why do we fight wars with immaginary dollars and provide health care with real dollars?

    They were saying the plan was to make Amerika a third world country back in the 60's

    I think W can get up and say "Mission Acomplished" to his Daddy. And be right about that one.

  • hillary_step


    A pox on your creaking socialist edifice. It will be dar-al-islam soon. I will live long enough to see it.

    Again, you seem like many people to have a very fixated view of the elements that make up the Socialist ideal. Perhaps reading too many 'Captain America" magazines is the reason for this, or just political ignorance, or even a combination of both.

    All political ideologies evolve. The ideals of socialism, which basically seek justice for all in a botherhood of humankind, are still alive and well in many sucessfully ruling governments in Europe, probably what you might know as the 'New Left'.

    No government is perfect it is true, as can be evidenced by the ghoulish spectre of American politics that are said to have the democratic ideal buried in them somewhere, which a sector of its proponents feel confident enough to export to other nations by the edge of the sword al la Islam.

    There are many nations much closer to the true ideals of democracy than the US, but of course finding out about these requires some effort, which precludes the intellectually lazy from finding them.


  • hillary_step

    lol....Somehow, I can hear the sounds of Zeroday and BurnTheShips keyboards clattering like billio as they type Wikipedia.....Google....Cntrl C, Cntrl V.

    ...as predictable as a cab drivers conversation.


  • BurnTheShips

    lol....Somehow, I can hear the sounds of Zeroday and BurnTheShips keyboards clattering like billio as they type Wikipedia.....Google....Cntrl C, Cntrl V.

    ...as predictable as a cab drivers conversation.

    There is NO wikipedia or google in my post. You are not used to an intelligent response. You know what I say is true and you cannot dismiss it so you wave your hand with that canard.


  • BurnTheShips
    All political ideologies evolve. The ideals of socialism, which basically seek justice for all in a botherhood of humankind, are still alive and well in many sucessfully ruling governments in Europe, probably what you might know as the 'New Left'.

    Your system, in attempting a humanistic Millenial Utopia, undermines the very drives that brought us out of the jungles, the caves, and one day God willing will carry us ad astra. Hence the preocuppation in pleasure and the falling birthrates of your population.

    You will have your human-led eschaton, and it will end in your demise. I hope it is contained to your end of the Atlantic.


  • BurnTheShips
    . Perhaps reading too many 'Captain America" magazines is the reason for this, or just political ignorance, or even a combination of both.

    You Euros chafe under our aegis. You deplore our might knowing full well that it would be wielded without debate in the event of any existential threat to you. How many times have we pulled your chestnuts out the fire in the last century like Spartans at Thermopylae? Spoiled whining children. The nanny state's result is complete.

  • PrimateDave

    Yes, H. S., I understand what you are saying. I probably wouldn't mind living in one of those E. U. countries right now. And, I know there is no perfect system; there never will be one.

    In fact I do rather admire the efforts of Chavistas to bring about a social democratic system in Venezuela despite the best efforts of the Empire to sabotage it. Educate and empower the people, but don't force everyone down to the same lowest common denominator just so everyone can be "equal".

    Let me restate what I said a little more precisely. I am not for Socialism that is practiced in a totalitarian way where deviation from the so-called "Socialist" ideal is dealt with via punitive measures. There is no "one right way".


  • journey-on

    I hesitate to get into this with HS. He's incorrigible....lol

    But my simple answer to why socialism WILL NOT work in America is because too many of us are INDIVIDUALISTS. Socialism makes for mediocrity. It would take the wind out of the American spirit.

    Americans are kind, generous, and helpful to those who reach out for themselves and make an attempt to better themselves.

    Too many, however, sit back on their laurels and wait for that government check to arrive and think they deserve it in some way. (some do..some don't)

    My daughter-in-law used an excellent analogy when explaining this to her 13-yr. old:

    "You work hard for that straight A report card, don’t you?"

    "Yes, I do."

    "Now, what if I told you that Katie, who doesn’t work very hard and is perfectly content to make C’s and D’s thinks it’s unfair that you get all those A’s. She wants some of your A’s. So, here’s what I’m going to do…I’m going to take a few of the A’s you worked for and give them to her. You can replace them with a few of her C’s and D’s. Now you are even.

    But, that’s not fair! I worked hard for my A’s.

    Yes, but, Katie doesn’t have any. She wants some of what you worked for! If we give her some of yours, then everybody will have the same share! Everybody will be even….


  • worldtraveller

    Yep, you can't keep on spending money you don't have

    But wait, isn't that what Bush junior is doing right now.? So this is how socialism works in the U.S. Interesting.

  • BurnTheShips
    But wait, isn't that what Bush junior is doing right now.? So this is how socialism works in the U.S. Interesting.

    Both parties are too socialist. Bush and congress have mismanaged the budget criminally.

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