Have you ever intentionally said crazy things from the platform?

by B_Deserter 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Tuesday

    I remember I gave a talk about pride going before a fall but instead of pride I decided to use the term "cocky", but I would emphasise "COCK-y" I said it probably 15 times in the span of 5 minutes.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Just a few years ago I said in a talk that shunning our "unrepentant" family members is how we show our love for God.

    Does that count?


    (sorry. That wasn't really in the spirit of the thread was it?)

  • Hiddenwindow

    Well, during the consideration of the September, 2007 KM, about not doing personal research, I raised my hand and commented that to form an independent study group was being discarded by the Society, but that individual research is always to be praised, because there is no other way of finding the truth about any matter.

  • Twitch
  • Hortensia

    my goodness you all made me laugh! I never said anything funny, but I liked to sit in the front row and make faces at my friends who were giving talks, to see if they could keep talking with a straight face. I should have been smacked I suppose, but it was fun and quite often they couldn't keep a straight face.

  • Aleman

    Once I commented about the book of Enoch. I was later sent to the little room. well I guess you all know what the little room is for.


  • martinwellborne

    my "crazy" thing was actually an answer to a wt study question. i said, "would it not be great to have an apostle in the congo???

    yet jesus reprimanded them, because they were not kind to children, they tried to say you are bothering us too much.

    yet the past thursday night's meeting was all about how there is too much noise from children in the kingdum hell, too many toys, too many kids running around.

    it makes my blood boil.


  • SnakesInTheTower

    I had a public talk outline ...dont remember the topic... where I discussed "Shepherding calls"...you know the kind...where the elders show up at the house unannounced.... I called them "Gestapo Visits".... and you should have seen the elders eyes bug out... i did this even when i visited other congos...

    publishers loved it.. came up to me afterwards and thanked me for busting out the local hounders...

    I was always doing sh*t like that in whatever local hall i was in.... kept the local hounders off balance and the publishers trusted me because i was always direct and honest

    Snakes ()

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