I'm a bit confused. I've been worried that I'm going to be DF for apostacy because I no longer believe core JW teachings. I don't have an intention on protesting or strirring things up, but I'm worried because I will not lie to elders if they ask me what I think about things (in a shepherding call). I thought that this was enough to get me DF.
I was talking to my JW parents yesterday. Mom asked me when our assembly was. I replied that I didn't have a clue. She asked if I was going to meetings. I told her no. This was the first time I was this blunt with them. Anyway - it was a big emotional conversation with her and my father. They both said that they would still love me no matter what I chose. They were actually very nice about the whole thing. Although mom is convinced that I'm under Satan's influence (like my sister). I told my (elder) dad about my concerns about being DF. He said that there was no reason for me to be DF and that apostates are ones making a stand against Jehovah. I said that's not the dictionary definition of apostacy. He said I can think whatever I want as long as I dont stir up trouble in the congregation - I can just walk away.
Is this true? If I tell the elders I don't believe, but have no bad intentions - will they DF me for my apostate thoughts? Or will they only DF me for apostate actions?