I could have written that a few years ago myself. Then I got angry, anger is not always a negative. It can spur you into action. You can find tangible ways to 'fight' the wt when you cannot reach your jw or soon to be jw. I lost my husband to the cult in some ways, mind, body, and soul. At times the old him resurfaces and I know he is in there somewhere. I can either wallow in the depression I had when all this first started or I can do something to keep others out. I can obsess about the wt (which I have done and at times still do) or I can decide to have a life with or without him, he is welcome to come along for the ride. I can no longer wait for him in the sidelines as he is busy literally every other day with jw business. Me & the kids life are just to valuable to waste any more time waiting for him, life must go on. As strange as it has become since he became a jw. It is what it is, and until truth matters more to him than being in his version of 'truth' , I can only change things for myself and my kids. May sound harsh but the reality isn't. He has no clue and I think most jw's with ub-families would not even notice either. We no longer attempt to plan around when dad will be home to do something or wait until a meeting is over, we go. He makes the choice to be away from his family.
A hint for you, find a few good friends an laugh about the asinine things in jw's. May sound mean but it really helps to keep some perspective. Besides when a few girlfriends get together and the giggling starts and off color remarks begin, they hold you over when all you really want to do is crawl into the despair. That's a bad place to be, fear & despair, been there and I ain't going back! Sure, we have had the serious discussions about jw's but it so much more fun to laugh about it if you can find a bit of humor.
Hang in there it can get ok and even good at times. Sometimes we have to intellectualize the problem instead of internalizing it, almost as if you are looking at it from a socialogical perspective rather than the man you know and love. Or somedays I just think of it as a mental illness of sorts. Why? what is my other choice? to realize he chose this cult over me and his children? that is too hard to live with on a daily basis so little psychological tricks get you through the day.