Noting wrong with three meals a day and all the sex u can handle
I thought I would tell everyone here first... I'm going to prison
by Elsewhere 36 Replies latest jw friends
darth frosty
YOU STUPID...I think my first crime was tearing off one of them tags when I was 8.
That law is intended to stop stores from cutting off the tags so they can rip off the customer. Once you have bought a mattress or other such item, the tag no longer serves that purpose (to give the customer a valid basis to compare one product with another). You have the right to remove such product once you have bought the item.
Now, if only the Watchtower Society had such a label to help people before they get scammed...
I am very shocked and disappointed in you Elsewhere! Where's Granny? She needs to send you to your room! No, wait...
Crafty Lady
Were there two witnesses? I'm sure that must be a disfellowshipping offense.
I paused for thought to consider what could possibly have induced a criminal act on your part and decided it had to be something to do with your "mini" of mishaps. So glad I was wrong.
Try to keep the stress of bed comforters to a minimum till I get there and we can jump out of a plane together hon.
Homerovah the Almighty
This is a serious DF. offense and I find it my Christan duty to report you to your local PO. at your hall
I have already DF. you in my heart and will remain so until a full unreserved repentance has been implemented ........evil devil of Satan