Cousin agrees, Questioning the FADS isn't he wants more.

by dawg 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • buffalosrfree

    didn't the sacrametal thing come from the last supper, Jesus making a covenant with the remaining apostles? The FDS logic on this is about as messed up as their logic on why we shouldn't celebrate birthdays.

  • dawg

    I agree with you Buffalo, but where do they get their scriptual reasoning on this?????

    I guess there's no answer, or no one can help me.....come on guys, where in the scriptures do they get this, I have no access to JW materials...

  • blindfool

    Dawg, The reasoning from the scriptures book say's basically that Jesus shared this meal with eleven faithful deciples (remember according to the FDS Judus had already left). Luke 22:29 say's, "I make a convenant with you, just as my Father has made a convenant wth me, for a kingdom." According to the WTBTS, all those at the Last Meal were being invited to share with Christ in his heavenly Kingdom. So, all who partake of the bread and wine today should also be person's whom Christ brings into that conventant. The reasoning book also talks about John 6:53, 54. It answers the question brought up by John basically by saying that eating the flesh and drinking the blood are to be done figuratively. This is done today by exercising faith in the redeeming power of Jesus flesh and blood, not by partaking of the emblems. I hope this helps. BF

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